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06/05/07 11:09 PM

#4093 RE: ocyanblue #4084

Ocyan .......<<<<<"But, as you see, I am still partial to Dendreon for their science. Provenge works.">>>>

Yes in fact surely the HDPC data is the icing on the cake. That and the independent corroboration (I do not recall source) recently that PSADT is in fact correlated with time to distant metasteses.

But it will take time, and I'm sure you don't wildly disagree that the interim look should be handicapped by all that we know about the "slow" MoA.

As for other stocks, I find some of interest from a data standpoint, for example the ALTH YMB has again surfaced the work of alizumo in estimating survival, and while it needs improvement, it also begs a question. Not to mention the earlier data (ODAC in '05) showed a very strong trend. I may PM you on IV ion the next week or so on this, once I have something up to date. I cannot imagine that a "data" event would not interest you, but maybe I am wrong.
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06/06/07 1:55 AM

#4094 RE: ocyanblue #4084

Ocyan, was that your post on the PSA-Rising website???. If so, what an outstanding post!. For Scher to compare NOVC's data to DNDN's(ie-comparing Cox data vs Log Rank) shows his true character or lack of it I should say...but then again, he probably didnt write it and barely proof read it.