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By Any Other Name

06/01/07 6:08 PM

#91312 RE: lentinman #91303

See my follow-up to Meatloaf's "No." to MegaTrader's #msg-17365605 request.

Our Profile page should have available for usage three Signature fields:
- your Alias (NOT preceded by a long thin gray line)
- lines of text (ALWAYS preceded by a long thin gray line)
- images (preceded by a long thin gray line if 'lines of text' are null)

Then be able to put: "No" on "Display Signature Graphics Field"
and "Yes" on "Display Embedded Graphics"

This way (Posted by: lentinman)
... to be able to "READ" signatures without having to "SEE" graphics...

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Phil(Hot Rod Chevy)

06/01/07 7:21 PM

#91319 RE: lentinman #91303

There really should be a way to turn off embedded graphics in signatures ONLY.

There is already a way do do that.

I have siggies turned off but embedded graphics turned on.

I can see a chart/pic embedded in the post, but I can't see one embedded in a siggie.

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06/02/07 11:22 AM

#91347 RE: lentinman #91303

As a paid-up member of Ihub, at least you can turn off siggies altogether and still view imbedded charts in a msg. As a freeloader I cannot -- not complaining, but Meatloaf posted that to a freebie, and I just wanted to point out that it doesn't work for freebies, only paying customers. A freebie can turn off siggies and imbedded graphics, but will then miss seeing posted charts in messages. A sub can separate the two functions and choose one or the other or both.

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By Any Other Name

06/03/07 6:15 PM

#91417 RE: lentinman #91303

Len, I put your request to Loaf onto The iHub Wish List board.

