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05/31/07 4:15 PM

#43414 RE: wbmw #43410

The largest Washington lobbying firms are headquartered on K Street in D.C. Hence the name the K Street Crowd

See discussion of the K Street Project run by Tom Delay for a discussion of the influence of the K Street lobbyists.

"The project is named for K Street in Washington, D.C., where the largest lobbying firms have their headquarters. Lobbyists are, in some circles, referred to as the "fourth branch of government," as some have great influence in U.S. national politics due to their monetary resources and the "revolving-door" practice of hiring former government officials."

Wow. From almost zero to a million dollars per year in 2005 and 2006.... I wonder what services AMD contracted. This could be *very* interesting....

That is what Intel wants to find out with its subpoena among other things. Law suits are supposed to be handled in the court house and not by using special interest pleading in the halls of the US government.

Note that these fees are only the publicly reported US government lobbying fees. Public relation, general communications and foreign lobbying fees would not require reporting and are not included in the database.

Some of the activities of AMD in Japan, Koream and Europe to encourage antitrust investigations may get uncovered.