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Duke of Prunes

12/27/03 12:26 PM

#56374 RE: murrayhill #56372

Imagine...Vivaldi's "Four Seasons"...
starting in Winter. Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon" scrambled.
Album sequence, like chapters in a novel, is critically important.

My wishes to all for a healthy and prosperous new year.
Or is that preposterous?

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12/27/03 12:28 PM

#56375 RE: murrayhill #56372

The order it was "intended" is probably only important to those in the music industry, and I doubt the average listener really cares. Sure, they "know which song comes next", but IMO, they don't give it the etherial importance you imply. As for having to create a playlist for each album, I agree a more flexible method would be preferable, but I don't necessarily see the current situation as a "problem", just an alternative method. FWIW, I listen to my CD's on "Random", so the "presentation" isn't so predictable.
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johny dangerously

12/27/03 3:38 PM

#56391 RE: murrayhill #56372

A significant amount of thought
goes into the ordering of the selections on an album.
Yet most people buy them for only a few of the songs. Thus the reason for compilation albums.