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05/30/07 11:16 PM

#937 RE: teapeebubbles #936

the worthless word for the day is: vertiginous

[ad. L. vertigo, a whirling] /ver TIJ uh nus/
1) revolving; whirling round
2) affected with vertigo or dizziness; giddy, dizzy
3) unstable

"Wherever it was, in whatever city, it was a vast and
crowded station. Through its high windows the sun made
great solid bars of light in the dusty air that were
vertiginous to look up at: he remembered that."
- John Crowley, The Translator (2002)

"Recall my earlier mad cows and how they stayed young
as they moved about at vertiginous speeds, while the
sensible farmer got older every day."
- Joao Magueijo, Faster Than the Speed of Light (2003)