Good Mornin'.... thx. kruy for sharing your...
lawyer's views when available. And... YEP... brokers would love to drag this out indefinetly sooooooooo... IMO... our various state AG's are our... CLOUT!
When/if we get details of the actual short/ftd position it should make for some interesting info that, IMO, our fine fine brokerages would not like the public to see (sharon on RB found a very telling situation of late).
When/if the next Act starts we should not only be looking for our shares but the details... the devil's in the details... and I for one am forwarding it on with that Great composite up in the iBox.
Now our brokerages, ET for me, may well just do the right thing (as Harrisdirect had stated they would back in '05)...and go get our shares from whomever they bought from originally and then everything is ...cooolll.... if not? then our state AG's will hopefully help out.
We, imo, really don't have any other "heavy hitters" on our side unless we spend a bunch of $ and get Christian/O'Quinn to rep us (for ex.)but even then as kruy points out the brokerages have very deep deep pockets. (as shown yesterday in the OK legislature situation)