You have a good point but I will give you something to look at, if they want to do a slow reval then why are they rying to ammend Article 4 by LOI's. LOI's only mean one thing, they want the IMF to reavaluate their money. They had a meeting at the end of April and another one in mid may. Iraq now has 28 billion in reserves almost the size of America. And a confirmed oil reserve of 313 billion barrels which equals trillions in reserves. I'm not trying to pump anything but these are valid points to ask your self. Only time will tell the truth. Is it going to be one month or 5 years. We will have to see. I don't know personaly. I will say if they were going to LOP they would of done that by now, I saw an article yesterday that stated they underbudgeted their budget by 1 billion for ration cards. My conclusion is why are they trying to ammend article 4 which strictly deals with an RV by the IMF. And why is the CBI trying to take dinars out of circulation if a LOP is coming, they wouldn't care. M2 numbers say we had almost 22 trillion in dec and we now have 17 trillion. So why are they taking them out of circulationis a good question. That's 5 trillion in a few months and 4 trillion in two months alone. I'm not pumping but just raising good questions.