If you read the I-V board, you will see that there is a very large group of very delusional people who are buying this stock and egging on others to do the same. I don't think this is off-topic to a discussion of this stock, either. (According to "Adam Smith" of The Money Game fame, Mr. Johnson commented that times of great crusades are not times of very great reality, and these people are on a crusade.) There is no accounting for the current stock price without reckoning with a whole lot of people with very unrealistic expectations. As long as they're willing to throw more money at DNDN, why shouldn't the market makers accommodate them while letting the price float up?
I own a handful of $10 puts expiring in August, and I'm certainly not selling them at this price level, even though they are worth several times what I paid for them.
Just my opinion, of course.