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05/22/07 2:20 AM

#335 RE: roguedolphin #332

Rogue: CKGT:

"I thought there was a rule instituted against these sorts of "games"????"

I don't know if 4 question marks constitutes a question... but, I posted about this twice today. Maybe you didn't catch them, so here they are.

If you have any other solution, I would be happy to hear it!

In the meantime, you are overlooking the obvious. Tomorrow, it may go back DOWN 44% on a lousy 1,800 shares. It only does good if I or Guy could freeze or trade it at the ask. The risk of even trying is that it opens 15% down and you lose a transaction.

One day means nothing. By the end of the contest, it probably will have been irrelevant. Besides all that, I picked it for legit reasons as my next post will explain.
