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05/19/07 11:39 PM

#1317 RE: lentinman #1316

Sorry there len not getting pix in on time. I will be in for the next round. I've been tied down with school and was sacrificing grades at the expense of looking over companies this year (my 4.0 is now 3.8 something, no biggie for me but my wife likes the 4.0s). To boot, I put some of my wife's CD money (after it matured) into AYSI shortly before the May 15th mess. Ugh. Won't do that again. She put me under tight timeframes to be on computer last week but has freed me up just a little now that midterms passed and AYSI mess is behind. I got my midterms and quarterly paper done for my RN classes last week. Just finals to go and clinicals this week. Things should relax next week and I can get back to more normal. I'll probably sit this one (PSL6) out and start watching it closely to see how things operate with it. Good luck and I'll hope to help contribute with the regular VMC board. Lots o' investment talent/brain power around there and the PSL6 (far exceeding my own but I'm learning:)...).