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05/19/07 12:57 PM

#268050 RE: Trader77 #268047

Pardon me for jumping in but I can't resist. It's all Cinton's fault that we were attacked while Bush was president. Even though Bush and Condi completely ignored the Post-It notes that the Clinton admin left behind.


05/20/07 2:21 AM

#268172 RE: Trader77 #268047

>>>In the past you and I have debated the Clinton Admin's dealings with the Mid East as it relates to 9/11. You've defended them<<<

What part of Clinton's ME policies have I defended? Certainly not the obligatory love fest with Israel. Can't stand it no matter who's in charge of it. I think I may have pointed out that he actually DID destroy most of Iraq's chemical weapon's infrastructure in 1998........something most americans don't even know about since republican patriots had the country upside down and inside out looking for Clinton semen stains at the time.... (this is when the party began to fall apart imo.)

David Kay, Bush appointed weapons inspector:

"In addition, Dr. Kay said, it is now clear that an American bombing campaign against Iraq in 1998 destroyed much of the remaining infrastructure in chemical weapons programs.'

Credit where it's due. Is that a problem?