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05/18/07 6:34 PM

#31533 RE: Cindy Ortiz #31531


I remember that alias! Bastard!

"For example, he has used the false identity "investyrstallone" on"


05/18/07 6:48 PM

#31535 RE: Cindy Ortiz #31531

In one of the emails he complained about online restrictions...

Posted by: undervalue
In reply to: None Date:5/18/2007 11:17:59 AM
Post #of 31534


Following statements from KEN an MARC at approx. 0.10USD knowing that they will dilute again with converted preferred shares more than 10 times of the total common shares outstanding after a 1/500 RS with preferred shares that were outstanding before the RS = no new money for the company after conversion!


I agree totally… Everyone should be a buyer at this level… the stock support has been weak lately and so the sharks have been preying on it.



Marc A. Cifelli

Arriva Capital

Phn: 973.582.3516

Fax: 973.582.3517



I think that market makers and brokers are keeping the price down to cover huge short positions at a lower price. The only thing that can be done is to complain to the online brokers about online restrictions and to keep up buying pressure on the stock. They will hit the bid with small amounts and if they see it can make the stock go down because there is no buying support, they will drive it down as much as they can to lower their cover price by years' end. That's my opinion. There is no other explanation for trades of $30 or $40 on this stock.

I agree with you, but I think this stock is an absolute steal at this price and that the price will go through the ceiling when the shorters start to cover. Considering this probably has to happen in the next three weeks, now is the time to buy more stock and average your basis way down.

Here he is on the board trying to get everyone involved to lift what a loser.

Posted by: investyrstallone
In reply to: None Date:12/4/2006 1:50:37 PM
Post #of 31533

I think everyone should write complaint letters to their respective online brokers, demanding restrictions be lifted. Maybe large numbers of complaints will get them to stop.


05/18/07 7:44 PM

#31539 RE: Cindy Ortiz #31531

Thanks for the post Cindy....

Now the shit has really hit the fan...

This is probably good for James...but not good for all of us who put money into this. And James, I sure don't blame you...I've abandoned my hope to get any money back out of this. It looks like Imperia will never get Never Submit out there making money for us...and once again...I not blaming you is just certain now...without N.S., and Ken being taken to court (along with all our money) we'll never get our money back.

The revelations of the last few months bring no comfort...but they are starting to explain things. I saw what happend to Imperia stock when All That I Need came out. Wow, I thought...when SIIR comes out, I'll pay off my house...even if it does HALF as well as All That I Need. That would have made sense..but something was "screwy"...I just did not know for certain what it was. I've traded (usually successfully) on technicals for years. According to technicals - this thing should have been a dream (not nightmare). Last March this stock was showing fabulous support - abiet at a low level. The low before had been two cents and it was supporting great around four or five. And on top of the technicals - what fabulous fundamentals - or so we thought In normal circumstances, what a beauiful opportunity this would have been. Now we know these were not normal circumstances.

Well...I've kissed thousands of dollars goodbye. How lucky I am I have an understanding wife. I know there's lots of pain out there...good luck to everybody. What an expensive education we've had. I'm glad you got out when you did James.