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Ike Latif

10/11/01 2:05 PM

#885 RE: Ike Latif #883

<Hello Ike
I am interested in your take on what will happen to the fundamentalist training camps in Pakistan. Will they be tolerated or also taken out after the Afghan situation is taken care of.
Enjoying your posts.


Neil >

I think all these will have to go but also lot of other changes will come; lot of issues on backburner may finally be addressed very firmly. Lets cross the first bridge, I will be happy to see the back of all of these extremists in my country, they had taken us hostage, and we have now called their bluff.
Don't forget that Aiyman Al Zahweri is a wanted man in Pakistan and Egypt for last 5 years, he has a Swiss passport, he was responsible for bombing of Egyptian Embassy in Islamabad, this bombing took place after he raised 3 million $'s in a fund raising mission from Muslims of North America in US, the Egyptians while he was there raising funds asked US/European governments to help them arrest him on the charges of terrorist activities in Egypt but human right considerations were in the way the first hurdle that no one could cross, soon after he came back from that fund raising missions from US and blew the Egyptian Embassy ion Pakistan.

For me, these icons of terror has been around and leniently looked at far too long as a balancing factor on geo-strategic chess game that super powers use to play. All faults cannot be heaped on the doorstep of poor nations in a garb of human right protection these terrorist had field day all around. They travel on special passports and have multiple entry visas no questions asked, since they are rich and can show money in the bank they are preferred over poor of the world who would never have the opportunity to come to US.

Saudis and UAE’s can get in no questions asked ‘just send your passport in’ oil is a ‘greatest healer man’ any oil rich nation can go ahead with any crimes and still be darling imagine as I shudder with horror if these 19 were from any other nation. But still the fault lies with poor nations if they do something evil. I think some evil people are holding up Afghanistan like a shield as a hostage. I hope that human side of that tragedy is not being forgotten.

The evil could be thought and planned because the fault line where it exists is never investigated, the rich bored ARABS from oil rich-nations, that is where the problem starts. I tell you that it is not Pakistan that is at the center of terror it is the Arab clan and puritan parties that are growing like mushroom in those regions, too much of wealth no fun lets people go towards the promise of real fun after death, that anomaly does produce a lot of suicidal bombers, I think. It is over simplication of a very complex state of society where death is better than life, it must be a very dreadful state of mind that thinks along those lines.

The core clan that does not think Pakistani or for that matter any non-Arab Muslim to be trustworthy enough to be a part of the greater plot of the great terror, this is the reason all 22 top notch are Arabs not a single non- Arab in it. Look at the fear created, no one even talks about Saudi or any of the nations where these 22 are national it is usually Pakistan or other states which are highlighted as hot beds, these states who has no one as a think tank or brain behind this, simply because these Arab terrorists only trust an Arab, the Pakistani could be plant from CIA. Now may be the new recruits may come from poorer societies as Osama promise of next world with 70 houries becomes too much an attraction. WE need to see that some social structures are evolved after all this.

This blind wrath on poor nations of the world is dangerous deviation and therefore I try to highlight the misery of the poor, imagine they use all these poor for their extensive games and than hide amongst them so that greater Islamic unity game and Jihad can be proclaimed and their necks saved. Why he does not do this 'jihads' in his own rich native land or blow his own company that practically owns everything in ME even all around. He makes sure that his brothers wealth is kept fine and nice.

The situation in Pakistan is not as bad as situation in many other parts where a carte blanche has been given to these pious looking people, as they are the moneyed guys, I hope that thrust is shifted towards them. His children always surround Osama I was reading today and wives as a protection and human shield this is what this coward life is all about. This is unique blind terror and has no comparisons with many other extremists activities that are going on in my region, hopefully all will be equally attended.

11th Sept has changed a lot in Pakistan in our region and in ME; these pockets of terror will have to go now immediately. The sources of these problems will be looked at also very hard, but for my country the release of its ‘core’ from the gutter of extremism is best thing that could have happened to our region, we are in my opinion richer now in terms of our ability to take on the extremists, we have called their bluff and disarmed them hopefully once Osama and colleagues are out of the way the terror Inc. will die, it will have a massive impact on Pakistan too, in terms of Pakistan dependency, many thought that we are going to implode or become a new Yugoslavia but our ability to act on that midnight call demanding us as ‘friend or foe’ made us dependable people, we distinguish between horror and vain Islam.

Muslims as a nation rarely miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. Look at sad characters of Yaser Arafat, Saddam Hussein Ghaddafi or Assad, it is that conceited bragging that has destroyed these nations, remember that ‘mother of all wars’ that became mother of all defeats.’ Not many a Muslim nations in the past including Palestine, Iraq, Syria or Libya or any o the rejectionists state have taken right decisions at he right time. Even Muslim Turkey during the First World War made the wrong decision to side with Germans, that resulted in dismemberment of Turkish Empire.

The wrong decision on 11th night would have dismembered Pakistan, a script that was very much liked by many in our region and out of our region. No one expected that Pakistan would do a responsible thing, that has lot to do with propaganda, most of our action as a nuclear power has been very very responsible but the image given to the world by the media was that we are a trigger free nuclear state, our army is about to implode, people who have no idea of the structure and ethos of our army would consider Musharraf dead or killed in coup any time without knowing that their has been no colonel coups within Pakistan army and all our ex-Presidents are not dead or killed, the two who died without natural cause Liaquat and Bhutto only one was assassinated one in 1950 other in 1978 was hanged after a Supreme Court decision where he was charged for being found accomplice in a conspiracy to take out an political opponent, I was sent a post yestrday by a poster that soon we will see Musharraf not coming alive out of this ordeal as Pakistan will implode, but the guy had no idea that even coups are bloodless in Pakistan, and scenes on CNN are little far from reality, no one really wants under the bombs,this is nice eye opener for those who wanted us to be under this barrage, we have in our country freedom that I can write all this in my name and ISI has no dossier on me. All this non-sense is some thing that today the critics of Pakistan are unable to re-concile with a state that has shown absolutely a different civilised face. Of curse the propaganda and propagandists have their own hidden views, we as a nation has sold our self all the time for the sake of Islam too cheaply, Arafat is closest Indian ally is their all the time but when it comes to Israel uses us as a bait, now we will soon have the ability to ditch this baggage once for all free our foreign policy go ahead and recognise Israel. That will help us regain a good media in the west.

What most of the analysts fail on when the ‘sad saga or death of Pakistan as a state was being planned’ it was always a violent end as Pakistan heroically would decide to put ‘greater Islamic needs and as fortress of Islam we would go ahead of nation hood, what these guys don’t understand that by ditching ideological bearing and mooring with Islam comes first we have now burnt our boats, we have shown to the world that our national interest comes first and not anymore Muslim brother hood, that is the change and that change alone could never ever anticipated by any of our enemies in the region.

However, the net result is that nations are known by their ability to stand in time of need with the victim, we did when it was required from us, that have earned us our laurels, not to be aim of this justice mission is a great reprieve. Nest time this will be an ice lesson also that improper behaviours will be chucked so hopefully this cross border terrorism will stop and most of the pending political issues looked at.

For sake of ‘not antagonising’ our extremists populace and our neighbours the things that are happening are not being reported, however our contribution is far bigger than Britain or any other ally, we have done what even Nato has not done so far, this is game of ‘balls’ and ‘game of attitude’ we have both and that troubles many, this is what a brave nation IS ALL ASBOUT.. WE are proud of standing on the side of civilised nations and those who can still think we go to dogs they need to know that it is once in history that events like 11th sept happen, irresponsible nations fall, only responsible one stand up to the challenge that is what is the big difference between Omar of Afghanistan, Saddam of Iraq and others, we defied all apprehensions and that is what it counts in global strategy the check mate, we went for the jugular. We will come out strong and part of the civilised nations that makes me feel good and hopefully we will be a force in the region to ensure stability, if we are stable and progressive the region will flourish.

Iqbal Latif

Iqbal Latif