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05/11/07 7:11 PM

#3045 RE: Wooden Indian #3044

Well said wooden,
It will go on it's timeline,not ours. Yaacov is building a company.
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05/11/07 11:59 PM

#3046 RE: Wooden Indian #3044

Wooden Indian and Mike,
Well said, what will be, will be.
IDTA has carved out a needed notch in the world.
Idta will be what it becomes, no more, no less.
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05/12/07 1:14 AM

#3047 RE: Wooden Indian #3044

Geez I feel warm and fuzzy all over...

NOT! Woody I know all to well Yaacov will be a millionaire in fact probably already is. Apparently I haven't been making my point clear enough. What is in this for the pummeled retail investor?

He is not saying and worse still, he is not DOING. The OS gets whacked with dilution after practically each good news scenanrio PR, when is this finally going to stop?

This news is about the NEWS, wonderful. Yaacov is learning the value of promotion. I am happy for him, truly tickled fornicating pink, but when is he going to promote for you and I. What do I mean? I mean when are the PR's finally going to be factual and accountable , with quantitative and qualitative data. When is this REALLY going to start loking like a bonafide company, like he promised for May 1st??

The CEO is professionally obligated to his longs to obtain best appreciable gains for his shareholders best he knows how. My "investment" here has been tanking precipitously for the last 20 odd months, others MORE precipitously. When has Yaacov effectively propelled the PPS UPWARDS recently, forgive me I must have missed something probably just my super size Prozac kicking in. Far as I am concerned the longs appear to be the sacrificial lambs make no mistake Yaacov IS making money. Exactly my point, when will the shareholders get invited to this party?

Stop falling for the koolaid Woody, give it a shake man. We are getting snowballed right smack into summer and few are smiling. For the simple fact we kept getting taken for a ride. Tired of lame excuses, tired of empty promises they are rightfully asking, when will this CEO do his job responsibly and measureably reward shareholders with appreciation of the monetary kind? Gee what a concept, huh.

Understand, I am not calling for SpiderMan here. I just want a fair shake as anyone in today's market would responsibly invest for. I'm not taking this out on you or any long Woody. I am however increasingly nauseated by the manner in which Mr. Shoham slyly hoodwinks investors into thinking they're money is safe here. When in fact CLEARLY the opposite is happening, and yet he keeps stringing everyone along with the latest reiteration of the excuse du jour.

Yaacov it's been 20 months of relentlessly declining PPS, when are you going to communicate effectively and RE: dilution INFORM sir, when are you going to disclose responsibly and RE: previous financials, current revenue and a new listing PUBLICLY INFORM please sir. WHEN are you going to fulfill your professional obligations to your shareholders. Vis-a-vis MOVE THIS STOCK UP FOR A CHANGE ...sir.

Have a great weekend Woody thank you for posting. I fully appreciate you might not feel like getting in a hostile mood right now. I wish you and your future bride all the happiness this wacked out world has to offer. No ill well intended old buddy, I just don't like seeing anyone here being taken for a sucker. Least of all yours truly.

Looking out for No1, as is this CEO on it bruddah.

Cheers, all the best to you and that lovely young maiden. No really I'm fine my face is always green like this. Hey it's Mother's Day Sunday bubbah, Flowers to Mumsey now yah hear?... Rich

Hey will you just look at this pathetic dog's breakfast for a second? Good grief, I have seen more meat on the bone at a chronically underfunded SPCA. This PPS is oversold, undervalued, and one sick puppy, grrrr!
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05/12/07 12:19 PM

#3051 RE: Wooden Indian #3044

Wooden Indian and Mike

I agree the company is going to go when its going to go and its best to wait while it unfolds but my beef comes when our CEO makes statements and then does not follow through. As I have said earlier I would rather he had said nothing at all then to start getting hopes up only to be let down again. This in my opinion hurts the stock and to a lesser degree the company.

Let him build the company. Let him build it his way but say what you mean and mean what you say when you talk to your shareholders. When you don't you build distrust not a company. Simply put don't say something in less you know you can and will follow through.

This is a great little company that I believe is going places. I just wish the shareholders had the same confidence in the CEO as they do in the company. Will we get there? Absolutely. I just wish there was not this constant question mark on the PR's and the major lack of follow through. These two point do nothing to help build the company, the price or the shareholders. Much of it seems totally unnecessary.
