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05/08/07 11:56 PM

#22282 RE: FinancialAdvisor #22279

Very provocative post F/A!

So shall we make a point to start monitoring parabolic over-hyped penny-pumped-up P.O.S. companies for short sell oportunities??

Maybe time to start "bookmarking" the better known penny pumpers around the boards for short ideas??

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05/10/07 2:30 PM

#22301 RE: FinancialAdvisor #22279


*The illuminati who are the global cartel who attempt to use the masses as people in a large chess game, the same people who've orchestrated past major events such as the 9.11 in NYC, or the 3.11 in Madrid, or the 07.07 in London through their various networks simply have a fascination with "prime numbers."

*I also have reason to believe they orchestrated the plane crash of a New York pitcher last year on 10.11.06, and I was somehow led to be cautious of this date because when flipped around it created 09.11.01. And of course, the powerful illuminati in my eyes hi-jacked the plane through remote control technology imbedded in just about every aircraft flying within the United States and crashed the helpless New York yankees' pitcher and his instructor. Interestingly enough, the media was then spoonfed a bogus story, and the rest is history. Of course this incident was covered here in real-time and I remember flipping through all the news outlets and seeing their reports completely contradict one another. Of course after 15 or 20 minutes, once they were done eating their baby food, they all began to spit the same spoon-fed story out about what happened!

*I warned on 02.27.2007 that it was an illuminati number the day before. The next day the market got pounded pretty hard, at one point during the session the Dow Jones was down over 500 points. The illuminati had their hand all over this as well, now whether or not they were supposed to manufacture some kind of event that day is beyond me. What's for certain is that they did through the markets and their mass money control of all of the globally-tied central banks.

***Now is 05.13.2007. It's an interesting date, there's also 05.11.2007 as well. However, 05.13.2007 is even more powerful.

Here's why, in England which is the center for the powerhouse of the illuminati, how do they read the date vs. us in the United States of America? Well, they put the day first and the month second. So how does May 13th, 2007 read? It reads 13/05/07. Or like this 1-3-5-7. All prime numbers, and a perfect signature event from the illuminati to do something and blame it on "muslim terrorists."

Because what is missing from that sequence is the 9 & the 11. It's a coded date folks. 1-3-5-7, if the global controllers add on a 9-11 event to it, they're going to be caught red-handed once again.

There are many things that tie 05.13.2007 into being a strong date for the illuminati and their murderous cartel, it's in fact the strongest date since perhaps 10.11.2006 or 02.27.2007. It's so strong that I feel it's necesary to post this message regardless of what people might think about dates, the illuminati, or anything in between.

These are people who attempt to shape world events through a PROBLEM, then the masses react with a REACTION, then the wheels spin again when the illuminati come back with their SOLUTION. And of course, their SOLUTION is accepted because the masses have been so devastated with the problem they've presented that they trust their "elected" officials and so-called "leaders" to do what is right.

These dates are so important to the illuminati that 911+311+707 add up to 1929. These of course being 3 of the dates the illuminati have used their murderous intent to get their PROBLEM>REACTION>SOLUTION agenda moving.

These people are so blood-thirsty and have such a lust for global power that they will continue to murder. They will continue to attempt to manufacture events like what happened on September 11th of 2001 to start wars. You see, what was the problem they manufactured on September 11th of 2001? They manufactured in the minds of thoughtless Americans the image of the boogieman AKA "the enemy." Suddenly you have a mass of angered Americans, Americans who believe the so-called leaders of the country. The reaction, sure let the "Patriot Acts" pass. Sure let our future engage in combat across sea's. Through the reaction, the illuminati have been able to manufacture their solution. They've installed their government and bank in Iraq. All because of the boogieman agenda that played out on September 11th, 2001.

Recently we saw the Queen of England visit Virginia. Funny how we ran from these same bloodlines to start this great nation, yet this lady is welcomed with open arms years later. Of course, it's much easier for her to visit when after all, it's her illuminati "families" bank that prints the "Federal Reserve Note" AKA the "U.S. dollar" as we know it today. But, don't you think it's just a bit ironic that days earlier, a Virginia Tech student went on a murderous rampage and 33 people died including himself. Ahhh... 33, another illuminati number.

Whether coincidence or not, it's important. It's important because the Queen used this tragedy when she spoke. She used "the problem" in her speech. Of course everyone here is already done reacting. Some people wanted to take our guns away, shame on them for attempting to use a tragedy to take our guns away, to take away our constitutional rights. For if they take the guns away, how are we supposed to protect ourselves from the criminals who obtain the guns? You see, the Queen is a perfect example of their PROBLEM>REACTION>SOLUTION agenda.

Now moving on, we must maintain vigilance. The more people who are aware of who is behind the scenes doing these acts of atrocities, the more that will not work into their PROBLEM>REACTION>SOLUTION agenda. The more people who become aware, and the more of a chance "We, the people" stand in stopping these acts before they even occur.

So keep your eyes open going into the end of the week and the weekend here folks. We will defeat the illuminati and their dark minions. Many have already defected from these ranks. A great deal many more are beginning to wake up and rethink their decision of being apart of such a murderous & deceiving cabal, they are starting to wonder if it's really worth the money. They are realizing their lives are so empty and that money isn't everything, and they are realizing the part they play in this global game of chess, and they no longer want to be on the dark side of the chess board.

The illuminati are people who are very frightened at even the possibility that the people will wake up, because quite frankly, 99% of the people aren't on their team. They are beginning to realize that their fear tactics are no longer working to control minds. They are beginning to realize that the lies they spout have become the minority belief.

They are so scared, it really shows. They have been threatening prominent members of the 9-11 truth community. The people who created Loose Change are moving on to making Loose Change 2 a world-wide event. The illuminati are now beginning to threaten those more popular media figures behind Loose Change 2. They are threatening every one from Charlie Sheen, to Rosie O'Donnell, to Mark Cuban, to even Richard Branson who will allow Loose Change for viewing on his Virgin Atlantic flights.

They are threatening Ron Paul, if not directly, then indirectly. They are threatening him through all their media controlled outlets. Clearly, Mr. Ron Paul won the 1st GOP debate. After all, he is the only Republican presidential candidate worth voting for. Needless to say, many major media outlets at first refused to include him in their online polls. After much complaining, of course he was finally put on the list. Now you've got major outlets simply defamating his character, and if they're not doing that, they're simply ignoring him. You've got to wonder why? It's very simple, because Ron Paul knows the truth about the Federal Reserve Bank and the Internal Revenue Service. He's the equivalent of John F. Kennedy in a field of people who have sold their soul.

To me, this is great. To see a true candidate who actually won the polls, and if he didn't win, he's at least in the top 3. It's great, it shows the true colors of the illuminati. It's very clear to anyone who watched the debate that Ron Paul is the real deal. The illuminati doesn't want Ron Paul as the republican candidate. It's clear that once Ron Paul becomes President, that he's going to do what no other candidate since John F. Kennedy had the guts to do. And that is take on the Federal Reserve Bank and the Internal Revenue Service. Both UNconstiutional entities who have no right to be on our soil.

So moving on in time, watch for signs of the illuminati, and watch for signs that they are losing their global chokehold. Watch for their power to wane. But over the next few days, pay particular attention to the events going on around you. Make sure that 05.13.2007 doesn't become their 9112B.

*I want to thank easymoney101 for bringing the 05.13.2007 date to my attention, and I want to especially thank the Ghost Troop Group for continuing to expose these criminals for what they really are... stay vigilant people, their time is nearing an end and they know it!!!
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08/13/10 9:28 AM

#25749 RE: FinancialAdvisor #22279

Couldn't help checking to see if AVTI is on that list of shortables. It's not. Hence my contention that left to languish for a month, which this will have in a couple of weeks, MMs will have walked it down to almost nil. Traders and CEOs that don't know this are stupid, i.e. willfully ignorant. Sitting here and issuing a consensus that we won't see a rally until the end of the month, is the biggest problem we have here. Lackadaisical attitudes like that towards your investments will be rewarded with more failures than successes. In a bear market, you can't just be slothful and expect things to be fine eventually. If you see this Cory, get off your ass and do something. I don't care if you become compliant with board fees, issue PR updates or just pinch Keira Knightley on the ass and get punched by her boyfriend. Just don't leave a bunch of lazy investors to protect their own positions cuz they won't.