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12/16/03 7:07 AM

#2506 RE: AKvetch #2504

AK...I wonder if the pay is better than tupperware, LOL!!!


12/16/03 7:34 AM

#2513 RE: AKvetch #2504

Wantobe pick for the day!


12/17/03 11:48 AM

#2564 RE: AKvetch #2504

Just imagine what would have happened to her in China. Texas is down right liberal in comparion.

Try this:

The notorious mass prostitution case relating to a group of Japanese tourists in September in Zhuhai was adjudicated Wednesday, with two Chinese defendants sentenced to life imprisonment and another 12 sentenced to 2 to 15 years in prison for organizing prostitution or assisting the organization of prostitution.

The Zhuhai Intermediate People's Court made the verdict after its trial of first instance.

Chinese police has also requested the Interpol to issue red notices targeting three Japanese citizens involved in the crime.

The three Japanese, namely Hirobe Isao, Takahashi Shunji and Fukunaga Koji, were accused of organizing prostitution for over 200 Japanese tourists during their stay at a hotel in Zhuhai during Sept. 16 to 18, police sources said.

Chinese Foreign Ministry has made representations with the Japanese side, requesting assistance to the Chinese police for the capture of the three suspects.

The three-day party, allegedly involving hundreds of Chinese prostitutes, ended on Sept. 18, and triggered wide anger among theChinese public as it coincided with the sensitive anniversary dateof a 1931 Japanese attack on Northeast China, an event marking thestart of Japan's invasion and occupation of China.

The Zhuhai Intermediate People's Court opened the trial on Dec.12 with 14 Chinese defendants accused of organizing prostitution, but the public and non-essential court employees were barred from the courthouse due to privacy concerns

According to the court hearing, Ye Xiang and Ming Zhu, employees of an unspecified Zhuhai hotel, two prime offenders, were sentenced to life imprisonment and all their property was confiscated.

Liu Xuejing and Zhang Junying, another two organizers from the hotel, were sentenced to 15 year's imprisonment and 12 years respectively and both were also fined. Another 10 defendants were sentenced to prison terms of two to 10 years in addition to fines.

According to the hearing, Hirobe Isao of an Osaka-based construction company first contacted the hotel in March to arrange a meeting for the company. But the plan was postponed due to the SARS crisis in China.

At the end of August, Isao came to Zhuhai with his colleagues Takahashi Shunji and Fukunaga Koji to sign an agreement with the hotel and clearly requested sexual services for the tourist group during talks with Liu Xuejing, a manager with the hotel, the courtwas told.

With this request, Ye Xiang, who worked for the hotel, contacted prostitutes Ming Zhu and Zhang Junying, who later gathered a group of prostitutes from a number of entertainment outlets.

The 200-member Japanese tourist group arrived in Zhuhai on the afternoon of Sept. 16. After the meeting, some of the tourists brought the prostitutes to their hotel rooms for sex, the court heard. All the members of the tourist group left China at 8:00 am, Sept. 18.

Investigations have indicated that no Party or government officials in Zhuhai were involved, government sources said. But 15officials in the local public security and tourist administration departments have been disciplined for negligence.

By People's Daily Online

From AP:

BEIJING (Dec. 17) - A Chinese court on Wednesday sentenced two people to life in prison, while 12 others got up to 15 years for organizing a three-day sex party for hundreds of Japanese tourists that caused an uproar in China. The incident in September at a hotel in the southern Chinese city of Zhuhai fell on a sensitive wartime anniversary and caused outrage in China. The Chinese government complained officially to Tokyo.Chinese authorities also have issued arrest warrants for three Japanese accused of organizing the sex party and asked Japan to help in detaining them, the official Xinhua News Agency reported.It said China also asked the international police agency Interpol to circulate the warrants, suggesting that Chinese authorities didn't know where the three were.Xinhua identified the three Japanese as Isao Hirobe, Shunji Takahashi and Koji Fukunaga. It didn't give any other details about them or how they were involved in the incident.Japan hadn't decided how to respond to the request, a foreign ministry spokesman said in Tokyo. He said the two governments have no extradition treaty.''These things would probably be decided on a case by case basis, with consideration for the legal issues of each individual case,'' he said on customary condition of anonymity. ''But we haven't decided on a response for this case yet.''As many as 400 Japanese men and 500 Chinese hostesses had sex at the Zhuhai International Conference Center Hotel over a three-day period that ended on Sept. 18, according to earlier Chinese news reports.The period in which the party occurred coincided with the anniversary of a Japanese attack on a city in China's northeast in 1931 that many Chinese regard as the start of Japan's World War II invasion and occupation.The 14 defendants - all of them reportedly Chinese - were charged with prostitution, soliciting, conspiracy and other offenses, according to an earlier report.The trial began Friday and ended Saturday amid tight security in the Zhuhai Intermediate Court. The public and nonessential court employees were barred from the courthouse by officials who cited privacy concerns.On Wednesday, the court sentenced Ye Xiang, assistant to the hotel's general manager, and Ming Zhu to life in prison, Xinhua said. It didn't give any other details about Ming.The hotel's deputy sales manager, Liu Xuejing, was sentenced to 15 years.Another defendant, Zhang Junying, was sentenced to 12 years, and the 10 others received between two and 10 years in prison, the report said.Previous Chinese news reports have described the 14 defendants as two hotel employees and 12 organizers of prostitution.Prostitution, though illegal, is common in China and often practiced openly in tourist hotels in major cities.But the timing of the event in Zhuhai drew anger as word spread over the Internet in China, where many feel that Japan has failed to atone for its wartime brutality.Many of the Japanese involved were said to be employees of a Japanese construction company that sponsored their trip.Japan's Foreign Ministry has said the company acknowledged paying for ''companions'' at a reception but denies sponsoring the events that followed. Japan has launched its own investigation into the incident.News reports have not identified the company involved, but said it was based in the western Japanese city of Osaka.

12-17-03 0558 EST

Death in this one:

The Beijing No. 1 Intermediate People's Court has sentenced to death the ringleader of a gang forcing women including minors to serve as prostitutes.

The culprit, by the name of Miao Changshui, was also deprived of his political rights for life and all his personal property confiscated.

Miao was the manager of the Jinbao Restaurant in Shijingshan District of the city.

Between October of 1999 and March of 2000, he and his wife, Geng Xiuzhen, together with four other criminals to coerce four young women and two minors to serve as prostitutes in the restaurant and other places, by restricting personal freedom, beating them and monitoring them.

Miao also raped a young woman and incited his accomplices to beat up the victims.

The court sentenced Miao's wife to 15 years in prison, with her political rights deprived for three years and given a 30,000 yuan (3,614.50 US dollars) fine.

Another four criminals involved in the case were also punished severely and fined heavily.


12/17/03 11:25 PM

#2576 RE: AKvetch #2504

In Texas, "'Obscene device' means a device including a dildo or artificial vagina, designed or marketed as useful primarily for the stimulation of human genital organs." Texas Penal Code 43.21(a)(7).

Texas Penal Code § 43.23(c)(1) provides:

(c) A person commits an offense if, knowing its content and character, he:

(1) promotes or possesses with intent to promote any obscene material or obscene device;

§43.23(e) and (f) provide:

(e) A person who promotes or wholesale promotes obscene material or an obscene device or possesses the same with intent to promote or wholesale promote it in the course of his business is presumed to do so with knowledge of its content and character.

(f) A person who possesses six or more obscene devices or identical or similar obscene articles is presumed to possess them with intent to promote the same.

Of course, 43.23(g) provides:

(g) It is an affirmative defense to prosecution under this section that the person who possesses or promotes material or a device proscribed by this section does so for a bona fide medical, psychiatric, judicial, legislative, or law enforcement purpose.

The offense is a Class A misdemeanor for which the person can receive up to a year in jail and a $4,000 fine.

It is legal to posses a dildo, but it is illegal to sell them. It may be illegal to possess a dildo if its possession is with intent to promote. Of course, if one is not going to promote its use for something, there is little purpose in having it in the first place.

The price of nookie can be expensive.

Edit: Matt-Bob -- you guys need to add nookie to the spell checker database.


05/31/05 3:42 AM

#17327 RE: AKvetch #2504

This case was ultimately dismissed.

Charges Dropped For 'Tupperware' Sex Toy Temptress

CLEBURNE, Texas - An obscenity charge has been dropped against a woman who received nationwide attention when she was arrested for selling two sex toys to undercover police officers posing as a couple.

A judge dismissed the case against Joanne Webb, Johnson County Attorney Bill Moore said Friday in a statement. He said he asked the judge for the dismissal to prevent wasting county resources, but didn't say when the dismissal occurred.

No one answered the phone at Moore's office Saturday morning.

Webb, a former fifth-grade teacher, started selling erotic toys and other adult products last year. The Passion Parties Inc. consultant hosts what she calls Tupperware-type parties for suburban housewives who feel more comfortable buying marital aids in a private home than at an adult bookstore or on the Internet.

Webb was arrested Nov. 13, about a month after the undercover officers approached her at her husband's business in Burleson, about 10 miles south of Fort Worth, and bought two products. Had she been convicted of violating Texas' obscenity law, she could have been sentenced to a year in jail.

Webb's attorney, BeAnn Sisemore, said she and her client are pleased with the dismissal.

"We knew that it was a possibility, but we weren't contacted," she told the Cleburne Times-Review for its Sunday edition.

According to the state's obscenity code, an obscene device is a simulated sexual organ or an item designed to stimulate the genitals. Adult stores get around the law by posting signs that say "sold only as novelties."

Moore said a pending federal lawsuit filed by Sisemore would determine the constitutionality of the obscenity statute Webb was accused of violating.

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