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05/05/07 8:43 PM

#76002 RE: bob41 #75983

Bob, I feel challenged! lol
Seriously, I will not compromise my ethics nor my logic. I have been run over by the markets enough. The brokers come out on top every time and have gotten away with horrendous crimes. They have destroyed companies that could have been the next Microsoft or found a cure for cancer. The Naked Short Selling conducted by the brokers is destroying the very foundation of our economic system.

Trillions of dollars have been stolen over the years by their criminality. If we don't start to speak up and fight back, they will continue to rape us. We must fight back for change and we have the opportunity to do that by putting in our responses to the summons, the information and declaration of where the real fault lies. The judge can decide anything, including declaring the shares illegal but forcing the brokers to cover them on the open market, which is exactly what they should do, BY LAW.

The discussions in these threads have given me a great source of ideas for writing my response to the summons. I will glady post a copy of it here after it is complete but for now, I am running out of free postings for the day so must limit any further reamrks for today.