Yes, if I had played more optimally, I would have had 1000% or more increase this year. For the past three months I've lost and regained and lost and regained and now lost big amounts. All I had to do was, in addition to trading as I was doing, sell everything (I've never done that) near the personal highs, and come back in near the lows.
That would have required that I do kinds of TA that I don't know well and don't do: things like Wahz and LG do that predict market directions. I wouldn't need the TA for the highs if I used trailing price floors. I would need it for the lows. I come back in too early.
If I practiced that kind of discipline I think I'd have all the bases covered.
My conclusion is that most people, like me, are by nature good at some of the disciplines it takes to make and keep money in the market, but not all of them, and that we have to work very hard to not only do what we're good at, but to change what we're not good at.