ny, you wrote -
Grrrrrr, not more back peddling!
How do they go from
'The establishment of PDR Exchange (Panama), Inc. is officially complete and trading should begin within a 30-day timeframe,' -- This does not mean that the software was ready, it simply means that the 'corporation' was officially created and completed in Panama - they made this clear - they also made clear that they were beginning beta testing
'currently going through lists and seeking out additional qualified testers'
in just under 30 days?
I think you simply misunderstood the meanings of the PRs. The company has been behind on several deadlines, that is difficult to deny - BUT!!!!
This board, in particular, is guilty of 'creating' deadlines for the company by extrapolating time tables from PRs and blog entries. Takereasy guys!
Try to figure out why you're mad. Is it doing you any good?