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05/01/07 6:05 PM

#4918 RE: Zorax #4917

I WOULD BE THE FIRST to say that no one who posts on the internet has all the answers, or vast wealth. In fact the only guarantee we all get - no exceptions, in life is that one day we will die.

What I have posted is what I have arrived at from research, and gut feeling. If I were 100% certain of everything, I would be buying up the shares - all I could get with every penny I could raise. And that applies to any company on the market.

Yes, the OTC and especially 'pink sheets' is shark infested waters. But then we know this before we dive in - or we soon learn it to our cost - an arm and a leg. often.

But, I still say, with a little thought, we have more chance of making a few bucks than with the National Lottery. The suspense and excitement and hope also lasts longer.

Incidentally, it's not just a new CEO, its a new owner.

Just changing a company's name is usually a good sign to get out, and can name a few of those.

I feel there is better than a fifty/fifty chance with the new arrangements at this present time. We have to wait to see how the deal of acquisition is arranged. We have little option at present because we can't sell (we can only give away). But this can be a good thing for reasons I have not time to go into.

As I keep saying, the whole market is shaky, and nervous, at the moment. And, I believe there will be world wide political events soon to shake things up.

On Britain, Blair will be out VERY soon, probably in weeks. (Not soon enough for most of us)

Stop thinking that the British are controlled by the Queen. The Queen is more controlled than any of the people. She is merely a 'tourist attraction' as far as we are concerned and give it any thought.

The British tax system is not bad (no-one likes taxes), in fact some international businesses see it as quite good - they love to come here as do people to work. We have low unemployment.

I understand your thinking, Americans are fed such rubbish from the media and movies. Sorry, but you won't find a 'foggy'
London today, either.

Keep smiling. Might as well think positive, thinking negative won't make things better, and positive does not cause stress that is passed on to others including family who look to you
for security, and comfort.

Bon chance!