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05/01/07 1:42 PM

#3588 RE: stratag #3587

May I ask told by whom?


05/01/07 1:45 PM

#3590 RE: stratag #3587

Seems like a plausible explaination to me.


05/01/07 2:12 PM

#3592 RE: stratag #3587

I don't buy that at all. They didn't have to release that pr to make that point to a business/company they are in talks with. The tone of their discussions and how they proceeded within those discussions would be enough to tell the tale. I believe it was intentionally released to manipulate the stock's price, but because they are obviously amateurs at running a company, they didn't realie that in doing so, they totally crushed the momo that the stock had generated after such a long lull. Still very stupid no matter how you look at it.