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04/29/07 4:44 PM

#72442 RE: ohbull2000 #72441

Should TM be communicating with a defendant right now?
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04/29/07 4:51 PM

#72443 RE: ohbull2000 #72441

Why did Megas let Pino off so lightly and not pursue the other two?
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04/29/07 5:04 PM

#72449 RE: ohbull2000 #72441

This is news? He already sued the guilty parties, got judgement and garnishment. What does this have to do with the suit against 1300 innocent stockholders for the serious allegations of stock/mail fraud who bought through brokers? What I ask?

Ohbull, just answer my question.

As far as the 10K delay, more typical pinky ceo BS excuses. Those guys got more excuses than shares of stock. You do know that by now?

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04/29/07 5:08 PM

#72453 RE: ohbull2000 #72441

Been saying all along "if it's up to the accountatnts it will be late"

Not held back
Not sec conspiracy
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04/29/07 5:10 PM

#72455 RE: ohbull2000 #72441

Well done OB, very nice.
I just hope at the end of all this, if it works out that we were right, that the innocent but mislead investors actually let down their arrogance for a bit and learn something.

Thanks OB.....
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janice shell

04/29/07 5:16 PM

#72460 RE: ohbull2000 #72441

From: <>
Subject: Re: various
Sent: Monday, May 23, 2005 8:29 PM

Thank you for your attentiveness and I shall convey all to Tom. As I stated to Mario on several occasions, I need various documents in order to prepare a proper indemnification if all can be resolved. 1. copy of initial LOI signed by both parties 2. Any and all agreements and documents exchanged between the parties. 3. copies of any wires,checks or payments made by and or on behalf of CARTER . 4. copy of minutes, resolutions, agreements or contracts entered into by either party. 5. Copy of Stock certificate along with printers name, address and tel. number. 6. copy of all invoices, bills, accounts payable or A/R. 7. An accurate list of all shareholders/ investors and Directors. A copy of the resignation of each Director and cancellation and acceptance of any agreement or employment contract.
The expense of cancellation of shares and the recall and reprinting of certificates with accounting is part of the estimate I furnished you. I appreciate Mario's over - simplification of the process that is required, however, correcting the damage is more costly. The accountant has advised me that once everything is done, a special "K" report will need to be filed with full disclosure. Be it as it may, we need to resolve this ASAP. your cooperation is appreciated
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04/29/07 7:12 PM

#72478 RE: ohbull2000 #72441

Thanks ohbull, lovin it :)
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04/29/07 7:56 PM

#72486 RE: ohbull2000 #72441

LOL..good stuff!
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04/29/07 11:14 PM

#72545 RE: ohbull2000 #72441

"...10k was at the bottom of a big file of 10ks at accountant and was filed last, the usual professional
screw up for which one has to pay fees.

10K was filed, I'd like to know the date so we can look it up
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04/30/07 7:48 AM

#72635 RE: ohbull2000 #72441

REPOSTED FROM OB--> *** MEGASMAIL **************

DEBUNKING THE BULL!... just wanted to let out enough rope folks, he-he-he.

NOW... please don't let this post get buried they will try tonight to bury it under their usual crap, so member mark it, copy it, whatever it takes here, k?

Note the commentary at the end about the 10-K.. I did not include my email part... more coming your way.. Bad Guys... he-he-he... putzes:

From: "Thomas Megas" <> View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert
To: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: BCIT
Date: Sun, 29 Apr 2007 20:11:33 +0000

In may 2005 (hundreds of million of shares already printed) thompson
claimed duped by others,
bcit claimed then that the certs they were dealing with were
fraudulent, and
sytner sent Thompson Weller a single real cert to prove that what they
was no good. They then agreed the settlement for
$2m, but being the `gentlemen`they were they then proceeded to print a
new generation of certs based on this single copy dating them post may
they facsimiled the signatures, but
this was soon spotted because the secretary who singed the good
resigned in 2000-2001,called puig, if they were to get it right it
have been duffy the new secretary current in 2005, thompson weller pino
not know this so left the old secretary`s fcsimile on the frauds.
That is
why they were so easy to spot , and also why thompson and co claimed
had sytner`s consent for this. The bulk of the forgeries were however
may 2005 since we were able to spot the new frauds very quickly before
could be fed en masse into the dtc. It was actually sytner who alerted
dtc to both this new forgery and the fact that thompson whom the dtc
accepted as the transfer agent on the basis of her badly counterfeited
pacific transfer letter . Thompson July August 2005 had actually sent
new frauds certs to the dtc hoping to get them in like the old ones
anyone else noticed, but this all imploded on sytners intervention when
approached the company to ascertain whether these certs were good.
Everything imploded then.
10k was at the bottom of a big file of 10ks at accountant and was filed
last, the usual professional
screw up for which one has to pay fees.

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04/30/07 7:49 AM

#72636 RE: ohbull2000 #72441

Where is your "my email part"? I'm still waiting... :)
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04/30/07 7:42 PM

#73050 RE: ohbull2000 #72441

Ohbull, according to this meagsmail, it sounds to me that the DTC was at least partly negligent in the playing out of the fraud, no?

>>>>"the dtc had accepted as the transfer agent on the basis of her badly counterfeited pacific transfer letter."

But that was only for the first batch counterfeits (I think). Yet why would Sytner have to step in to prove whether or not the certs were counterfeit? Isn't that the DTC's job? In other words, aren't they suppose to check BEFORE they're officially deposited? The DTC is a clearing house. How could they be so blind? And it is THEY that have been holding up the Jan 16th share exchange. I just don't get it.