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04/26/07 11:55 PM

#263534 RE: Red butt #263521

Welcome to Scamtertainment!!

It is unbelievable what some people will believe. If you watch these things long enough you will see it all.

When you look at the history of this company, anyone with even a half-critical mind can see the pervasive pattern of deception and market manipulation that has been present ever since its inception as a publicly traded company.

There is a veritable litany of blatantly untrue and misleading statements and press releases about the audited financials, revenues, Middle East deals . . . . All of these lies perpetrated by this company and/or people involved with it are well documented and easily provable, yet the kool-aide clan seem to have an unending ability to ignore the truth and instead offer up whatever version of revisionist history serves them best as they desperately cling to the hope that their investment is not in jeopardy.

Then there are the disgusting individuals who go even farther and actively become involved in disseminating the falsehoods and misstruths.

This company is a small building supplies operation that was hijacked and used as a front for a stock fraud. The Kool-Aide gang will jump all over anybody who has the temerity to criticize this and point out that their much vaunted leaders have been to the stores a couple of times and have brought back photos to prove its existence. Sadly, the fact is that some of the best stock scams have a veneer of credibility - In fact, that is what makes then effective as stock scams.

The sociopaths who masquerade as promoters and penny stock CEO's love to be able to point out the legitimate business that the company is involved in and use that to extrapolate that, because there is part of the company that is legit, that therefore the whole thing is, including the fantastical claims that many of them make about future deals as part of their efforts to pump-and-dump the stock.

The following quote is very apropos as one looks at these little scamco's. It is by Dr. Robert D. Hare, one of the world's preeminent experts in Psychopathy. In his book: Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us he says:

"There is no shortage... of lucrative opportunities that exist for a fast-talking psychopath with a head for numbers and the social skills to move easily in financial circles... If I were unable to study psychopaths in prison, my next choice would be a place like the Vancouver Stock Exchange."

El Camino

04/27/07 12:37 AM

#263536 RE: Red butt #263521

Why don't you say how you really feel!! LOL Bring more of your friends over, maybe they will see some things here that many of us do and join in!! After all if no one has heard of SLJB how can they make an intelligent decision. Let them do their DD, you just might be suprised!! Keep on reading this board!! Even you might be suprised!! JMHO The more the merryer!! We picked up 4 more board marks today, now at 908!!