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04/26/07 8:05 PM

#119854 RE: ASTOCKCOLLAPSE N0W #119830

then again, there doesn't seem to be anyone around to pay!
maybe neom will survive solely on attrition.

who knows.
this game is getting old.


04/27/07 12:00 AM

#119872 RE: ASTOCKCOLLAPSE N0W #119830

Another nail in the coffin ????

Or could this possibly be a good thing??

Without this current management being able to go to Cornell for additional funds every time they screw up and run out of money, it may actually FORCE them into making some correct and GOOD decisions.

Does anybody have any idea how much money is left in the bank ?

Is CW still drawing his $5000. a week salary?

Thanks in advance.


PS This roger pavane thing has really been the straw that broke the cammels back for me. He was sent to us by Cornell( our friends)