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04/25/07 4:41 PM

#5430 RE: hueyflier #5429

hahahaha...sometimes I just have to laugh. Of course, huey, you MUST know me personally, and all the intricacies of my investments and my life experience in detail...otherwise, how could you make such a judgement? hmmmm? Your bias is showing! either that, or you are allowing your passionate dislike for me, personally, to get in the way of freedom of speech.....oh well...keep on keepin' on...BTW, I am off to a meeting with the EPA today at 5:30pm....want me to tell them it is OK with you to dump poisonous PCB's into a residential neighborhood vacant land lot for ya? Usually I don;t walk around 'unconsious'...I like to think for myself, just like you do, rather than parrot what some entity WANTS me to believe...and hey! There are as many opinions as there are people///that's what I like about the good 'ol USA---hahahaha---never is there a case where one person is RIGHT!!! made my day!!!! Turns out, common sense is OFTEN replaced with politics...did you know that?