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10/01/01 3:53 PM

#103 RE: Georgia Bard #102

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SI: StockTalk: Market Trends and Strategies : Americans 4 "No Own - No Sell"
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To:Ga Bard who wrote (51)
From: Dan Booth Cohen Monday, Oct 1, 2001 3:45 PM
Respond to of 112

As I said, there are too many lies for me to list. In the interest of promoting the truth, I will go through the first two substanitive paragraphs of your posting and make specific rebuttals to your lies, distortions and mistruths.
You write: "There are short sell cartels where the leaders charge as much as $600 per month for admission to the cartels private website on the internet."

Rebuttal: Perhaps you should check the dictionary definition of 'cartel,' as you apparently do not know its correct meaning. The private website you refer to is a private research and discussion forum. None of the characteristics that define a 'cartel' are applicable to the function or operation of this website.

You write: "There the collusion is taken to the ultimate degree."

Rebuttal: Since the English language is obviously not your mother tongue, I will refrain from correcting the numerous spelling, grammatical and usage errors in your prose. You might try using a spell-check function in future postings as a way of disguising your lack of education in the English language. I think you meant to say something like, "In these websites, the members collude to manipulate the prices of stock securities." In fact, nothing resembling collusion occurs. The members discuss stock trading in exactly the same manner that goes on daily in tens of thousands of other stock forums and discussion groups around the world.

You write: "The leader essentially teaches people how to short-sell, how to set up offshore accounts for naked shorting, avoid reporting to the IRS, etc. "

Rebuttal: Your first accurate statement is that the leader teaches people how to short sell. However, the next accusations regarding instructions on setting up offshore accounts and avoiding reporting the IRS are blatant lies. You are simply dead wrong on these claims.

You write: "Further how to bully and bashing effectively a message board to fully gain control of a due diligence or stop it completely."

Rebuttal: This sentence, as written, makes no sense. Read it aloud and try to figure out what it means. Perhaps you mean that the leader of the website trains members how to impede or stop open discussion on public message boards. If so, this is a lie.

You write: "Next the Short sellers find someone to author a piece that is bias to short selling same as the boiler rooms do.

Rebuttal: Another false statement. The analogy to boiler room operations is clearly inapplicable. Boiler rooms are phone banks established by unscrupulous broker/dealers that try to entice unwitting members of the public to purchase stocks at highly inflated prices. These broker/dealers profit by selling stock from low-cost inventory and collecting ill-gotten commissions from company insiders. There is no meaningful connection between this type of 'boiler room' activity and a publicly posted report that disputes the intrinsic value of a particular security.

You write: "They needs media to get the opinion that short selling is not bad."

Rebuttal: You are just an idiot. What are you talking about?

You write: "They use the figurews available which are incomplete as facts."

Rebuttal: You make no sense. The figures quoted in the reports are such things as Shares Outstanding, Market Capitalization, Revenues, Earnings, Cash-on-Hand, etc. Of course, these figures do not tell the whole story about a company. What figures should be used? The ones not available?

You write: But why would any American write such a bogus bias article.

Rebuttal: Where did you go to High School, pal? If you are an American, your 10th grade English teacher should be stripped of her pension and put back to work mopping the floor in the cafeteria.

You write: Because MONEY is the underlying basis. Taking and stealing American’s money.

Rebuttal: There are trillions of shares of stock traded every week in US markets. The only reason anyone trades is to make money. Of course, MONEY is the underlying basis. It's not 'taking and stealing,' as you so eloquently put it, it's the Stock Market.

Okay, specific enough? That's only two paragraphs. You are a lying horse's ass.