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04/24/07 3:54 AM

#69832 RE: nwsun #69822

"cant a judgement can take months maybe years?"

Yes, they can and in that case, you would be defeating the entire purpose of this lawsuit by TM in my opinion.

1272 people were named as defendents. Of that, 1000 are probably going to respond in a timely fashion utilizing the 20 day period allowed.

100 more would also probably have responded in the same timely fashion but they have now chosen to listen to the naysayers of this board and are now filing countersuits and asking for extended extentions of time to respond which will ultimately only cause even further time delays and frustration for Megas and the court.

What happens to the other 172 that think they are smart and just do not respond, god only knows what the court will throw at them, but that is their problem.

My problem is...... MY MONEY has been FROZEN here for almost 2 damned years and I want MY cusip numbered 205 shares and ALL of us trading again as soon as possible. IS this too much to ask?? I DO NOT care whether TM cancels or revokes the 106 shares. To do so ONLY benefits us in my opinion. BUT your BROKER can NOT just walk away from their responsibility to YOU for what happened to YOUR money as their client.

TM is actually doing us a FAVOR here by working so hard to EXPOSE those who dared to HIJACK the company. And, in my opinion, they will eventually be EXPOSED.

The NAYSAYERS here (and you know who you are) will have the rest of you believe that the criminals names are NOT on the NOBO list but there are some REDICULIOUS names on the list of 1272 people and incorporations that I believe will eventually shed a spotlight on whomever did this to us. There HAS to be a PAPER trail to the CERTS and eventually it will be uncovered and those individuals held accountable BUT the PURPOSE of TM's lawsuit in my opinion is to get us back to trading ASAP. What part of this concept does Janice, Texbanker, Bob41, and others, NOT understand???

The onus of responsiblity falls into the laps of the BROKER/DEALERS/DTCC to make my (and ALL of your) accounts RIGHT. I paid LEGAL US currency to purchase LEGAL/VALID shares of BCIT for X value. WE did NOTHING wrong as long as your shares are ELECTRONIC.

What are the NAYSAYERS here missing about these very OBVIOUS points?? NOTHING. Absolutely NOTHING. Their only purpose here is to cause disention amongst the ranks who have been posting here occasionally or just lurking like me and waiting patiently over the past 18 months for us to resume trading. Click on their names and look at their posting history to "other" boards for ALL the proof you need.

Do the NAYSAYERS benefit by causing you to doubt yourselves and how you should answer the summons?? Is their agenda to cause even MORE confusion and therefore possibly help to delay further the trading of BCIT?? DO their actions and writings to this board benefit the BROKER/DEALERS/DTCC and as a tangent benefit themselves?? Just how SHORT is their position??? What are they so AFRAID of TM??

I do not know, NOR do I care..... BUT I find it HIGHLY suspect that some of these people have all of a sudden shown up here and who have PUBLICALLY admitted that they have NO position with the company OR this lawsuit, BUT they also see fit to disect just about every phrase and word that WE (who have been here for what seems like forever) post in just "general" conversation to each other.

There is an old saying out there that goes: "If I wanted someone's opinion, I would TELL it to them"

Nuff said, done with my rant.
