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Ike Latif

10/01/01 10:44 AM

#855 RE: Ike Latif #854

<Ike, please explain why either Taliban or Pushtoons should be included in a new government.>
If I am not mistaken by few percentage points 85% inhabitants of Afghanistan are 'Pushtoons. Mix annihilation of Taleban with that of Pushtoons and we cross the line of ethnic cleansing in no time.

Nazism’ was annihilated but not Germans. Taleban represent no race they represent ‘vulgarity of repression’ at its best, and it is associated crudeness at its new heights. Pushtoons is a race that has been subject of this repression. It is like the communists in USSR or ex-eastern European communists states whose people were hijacked by the handful of politburo members and vested interests of the communists, the Iron curtain came down in shorter time than it took it to be erected. In all likelihood I will not be surprised that millions of Pushtoon who live a hostage life will welcome the back of Talebans as soon this terror group is replaced by moderate elements.

The million of refugees who you see in images on CNN are mostly 'Pushtoons' who want to escape the horror of Talebans, even King Zahir Shah is Pushtoon, Pushtoon is a race but 'Taleban' represent the return to the ‘Wahabis Puritanism’ that makes earnest effort to impose a 1400 years old system in its entirety in present world. If ‘Pushtoons’ would agree to this system of repression that would not been 6 million refugees still living in Pakistan and Iran. And millions are pouring out every day towards the borders. For a poor man and a subject the best protest is to leave the country of repression no one else but ‘Pushtoons have demonstrated that.

The system of ‘Talebans’ abolishes room of independent thinking, intolerant, abhors logic and reasoning and in my opinion is the most virulent form of extremism as it brainwashes subjects in name of God and make them do things that are absolutely beneath human accepted wisdom. All strains of fanaticism are dangerous and we see them in their different colored attires spanning all around the globe. A ‘Kamikaze’ that kills himself for his nation can be corrected once the ‘nationalist wounds’ get healed like look at Japanese nationalism it was a dangerous strain of extremism, however once the cause of that militarism the marriage between ‘ Nationalist land grab desire twinned with the Imperial infallibility and divinity’ was removed we saw Japan rising from ashes to lead the world as the most important industrial power.

In case of ‘Taleban’ the most important factor is not the content of its ethnic mix, it may be Pushtoon dominated cabal but the thinking and its mutations are very dangerous, leave them in a vacuum to grow and you have mix that flourishes and multiplies to impose that medieval order on the entire planet with a fervor that has to checked with best of efforts. It is not a problem of a single nation, the very thought that a grand mufti can issue an edict to take someone life has to be made criminal. To curtail training minds to die in name of a holy war sponsored for God is the biggest threat and to curtail that needs innovative form of intervention where most of these states in ‘Islamic crescent of crisis’ that extends from morocco to Pakistan have to assume responsibility. The flawed philosophical underpinnings of ‘Talebans’ to deny rights to 50% of woman population in name of archaic laws that have no basis even in time of Prophet Mohammad is a bastardized demonic version of a message that Islam never sponsored, it rather abhorred that kind of persecution.

That streak of ‘narcissism of thought’ and ‘self assumed connection with God’ produces human right violations that have very rare precedents in the annals of human history. Now if this brain washing continues more vacuums will develop unless we cure the cause, the cure is education, proper health and providing hope to millions. The proxy wars of super powers and invasion of USSR in Afghanistan left a geographical vacuum that provided abundant room to ‘deranged of the world’ to conspire the way they wanted. This war to change minds is the real battle, now one can argue that it is no one’s business what happens in the east but left unchallenged these virulent strains can grow to control oil, or the weapons of mass destruction and in this open world we will be stranded in a blackmail attempt that will lead clashes that will be truly not of cultures but of forces of darkness and forces of progress. The people who should be responsible by the global community to mend the affairs are the oil rich nations of the region, this war against terrorism should be 505 funded by them, as one should not forget its Arab extremists roots and its target of Arab regimes. House of Saud cannot absolve itself of responsibility towards a global –rebuilding plan of poverty-stricken pockets where these Arab terrorists play havoc.

As a target of these terrorist why they should not be a part of global efforts to address the fundamental problems that create them is still beyond me, why only OECD and developed world should take upon itself to cure the cause is also beyond me, some kind of UN imposed tax on oil exports to cure the Muslim regions from where these threats emerge may look a very strange proposal but these guys need to be told that they need to share the burden if it is their people who play key role in this kind of devastations. The nations across have to assume responsibility of the act of their people.

The war on terror started from that day of infamy in my humble opinion has a lot more connotations of responsibility than revenge, we presently don’t realize the extent of full contest of a continuous monitoring that needs to be place if humanity has to progress.

The element of removing the immediate cause of problem that is in my opinion a smaller problem and than a larger one that of protection of US interests, first and foremost is the safety of its citizens globally and protection of its global overreach of the economy. US economic overreach is far beyond the imaginations of US strategists. In present world US global or economic overreach demands that it cannot sleep or stay in isolation or be unconcerned with what happens to global resource rich areas of the world. It is the choice we need to make do we want an open world and greater development prospects or a closed world where the interests are divided along north-south hemispheric divisions, in the case of later we do get some breathing space from terrorism, but the present form of open economic model will be the first victim in short- medium term, in case we go for the former that of continued embracing of open world and open economy that would unfortunately entail some huge responsibility, that may include outposts and kind of economic overreach where US may create some success models with the help of richer states in the region some form of balance in the present basket case nations that provide the canon fodder or grounds of future harvest for terrorists.
The events had very extensive repercussions for mankind, since 11th of Sept I have released that we cannot create or afford uneven geographical pockets of poverty, the world is not insulated against someone who is fanatical to destroy the precarious balance in human relationships that since Adam eve is based on mutual respect of life. Once that respect is tripped new lows of action is the result.

Undoubtedly foregoing is a very heavy menu but it hinges on imposing responsibilities on states to encourage regional interaction and discourage those ‘luxurious rich deranged minds’ like Osama and his cohorts from the rich Arab societies who after getting bored from money decide that ‘call of Allah’ demands that they should overturn their own repressive regimes but to do that they hide behind the weakest of the nations, the people in these poor nations like Afghanistan become mental slaves to these ‘Arabs’ who write in Arabic the most repressive of acts that are against the teachings of Quran but have significant meaning, if you add with charisma of language the long beard, the five times of prayers, the bead and call of one Islamic nation, you create an evil leader, the leader with the explosive mix of ideological Puritanism is than ready to act for crimes against humanity, like nazism all form of extremism should be declared an act against humanity by the civilized world. The oil rich nations has an important role for their own survival to be active in this cleansing process of radicals but they also need to eradicate the cause of all this, the extreme poverty in their own nations and in their region need to addressed. That inequality is the breeding ground for these anti human networks although combined with democracy and freedom that they can find in the west. These cells flourish to their maturity.

Iqbal Latif