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04/23/07 4:12 AM

#119403 RE: ASTOCKCOLLAPSE N0W #119366

Sorry, but you are wrong

Major brands, media conglomerates, advertising firms, medical institutions, government agencies, and companies in the public and private sector are not interested, nor will they use URL / webpage redirects. Especially for major Mobile Marketing and Mobile code-reading campaigns.

NeoMedia's web-based qode Link Manager takes all the guess work out of it and provides the user with an extremely user-friendly interface that can make changes at the drop of a dime.

1. Open Program
2. Login to your account
3. Make the necessary change

Easy as 1,2,3

But don't take my word for it ... Just ask the fine folks at the New York Times how incredibly easy it is to use NeoMedia's qode Link Manager.
