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04/21/07 9:15 AM

#34603 RE: gail #34584

I'm not sure what that statement meant. I'm also not sure Michael from IR really knows what he's talking about half the time either. He throws bits and pieces at us sometimes and makes us fill in the gaps. IMO, that is not a good way to communicate with share holders. He should only state facts and talk about things he can verify and thoroughly explain.

Like the shock and awe news he threatened us with a while back. That was due out last month according to one of his e-mails. Since then, a lot of people comment negatively about not receiving that shock and awe crap time and time again. There are many other things I don't like about this Michael also, but they do not change my opinion of this company. The company is on the right track. They just need to take Michaels computer away from him and give it to someone who understands how to communicate with share holders without leading us on all these guessing games and clue hunts. No information should be released to any individual share holder before that information has been fully and officially PR'd. Also, any grade school student could spell and punctuate better than him. That does reflect poorly on this company.

Everyone is now hyped about yesterdays e-mail referring to a share exchange between us and an OTCBB company. One thing that is for sure folks, you will not see anyone exchanging one share of a sub penny stock for one share of an OTCBB company that is trading over a dollar one-for-one. Get that notion out of your heads right this instant. Things like only happen in dreams and on message boards. Michael was wrong mentioning that a one-for-one exchange for a .70 or a $1.50 a share company would be shock and awe news. Yes it would be, but it can't happen. Where would that money come from? Now, if we reverse merge into an OTCBB company, and that company was trading at say $1.50, we would exchange 1875 shares of our stock for one of theirs based on yesterdays close. Or, the core assets of that company could be sold and a special dividend paid to us. The share holder of that company would be issued 1875 shares of EFGO for every share of his stock based on yesterdays close and he would also get the special dividend. There are numerous other ways this could also come down, but without any further info, it would be pure speculation and gossip.

Michael, I really hope you read this message and stop leaking information that is speculative and info that is not yet a done deal. Crap like that is why you are being bombarded with questions. When you release speculative info not yet PR'd, share holders have a right to question those statements. Now because of that, you will no longer answer individual e-mails? Why would you penalize individual share holders for mistakes you have made?

I think this company needs a new IR person going forward. Just my opinion.