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Georgia Bard

09/28/01 4:38 PM

#66 RE: Bird of Prey #63

BOP ... In this case we need to repeat History. We are not repeating history if we were we not have this petition and the lending would have stopped already. Because right after the 1929 fall came the limiting of patroit refusal to short selling to portect our markets.

This is what history did &The following evidence is from the Commercial and Financial Chronicle of October 18, 1930, which quotes the Journal of Commerce for October 16, 1930:
No let-up in the efforts of Stock Exchange houses to discourage short selling
rallies through refusing to lend stocks for the purpose was indicated yesterday…word had
been passed on by the exchange authorities that they desired lending operations to be
curtailed in order to discourage excessive short selling...
Brokers said yesterday that they have little objection from the point of view of
loss of revenue to the calling in of their stocks on loan. With the prevailing low rate for
call money, they find that there is but little incentive to lend stocks for the sake of
securing funds in this way...
A number of investment trusts reported yesterday that they had been approached
by brokers who wished to borrow stocks from them at the quoted premiums. In most
cases, it is understood, the investment trusts approached did not give any consideration to
the request, since they felt that their interests were on the side of rising prices and they
would not do anything which would encourage short selling tactics.

"NO OWN - NO SELL" Petition:
Proud To Be An American Against Terrorism & Its Propaganda!
:=) Gary Swancey