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12/09/03 1:27 AM

#10 RE: gotmilk #9

MP3 preApproved by wanna_be_Sheriff_Matt

... flash memory-based MP3 players quickly learn
½ or even two hours of music isn't all that much.

MP3 CD players can hold a lot more music on a single disc,
but they aren't as reliable.

If you're independently wealthy as a single stud under 21,
married with children needing a backhoe for backyard work,
sold the Raging Bull's manure before it's smell, or sold silicon
for its weight in gold prior to it being sold again dirt cheap,
then fortunes made will continue a perpetuity continuance
to persevere without wane when the music stops for all
message boards except yours as sure as pertinacious folks
need a place to perquisite themselves, and the only place
they can do their dance to spin a web is your site.

... [have] the big bucks? A hard drive-based player
... [best] solution [since] it can hold gigabytes of MP3s...
... [but] Budget MP3 players are available for...