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04/19/07 9:44 PM

#261589 RE: seabass #261579

The Decider apparently didn't follow the Senate Judiciary Comm hearing today; he relied on second-hand reports from his staff who told him Al did very well - the same staff that for 6yrs has been telling The Decider ONLY what he wants to hear.
If The Decider did watch his AG testify today, he would have heard conservative Senator Tom Coburn (R-Oklahoma) tell Gonzales that he should resign. If The Decider did watch his AG testify today, he would have heard Al say no less than 74 times..."I can't recall".

As Arlen Specter put it on PBS' News Hour tonight when asked about Gonzales' and the prosecutor's's not political, it's incompetence. Ouch!!!

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04/19/07 10:54 PM

#261599 RE: seabass #261579

Clinton scandals "I don't recall" totals;

Bill Kennedy ............... 116
Harold Ickes ............... 148
Ricki Seidman ............ 160
Bruce Lindsey ............ 161
Bill Burton ................. 191
Mark Gearan ............. 221
Mack McLarty ........... 233
Neil Egglseston ......... 250
Hillary Clinton ......... 250
John Podesta ............ 264
Jennifer O'Connor .... 343
Dwight Holton ........ 348
Patsy Thomasson .... 420
Jeff Eller ................ 697

Clinton HIMSELF saying I don't recall vs. Paula Jones