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04/18/07 11:35 PM

#8962 RE: rwayne #8961


I have been in the field most of this week, catching bits of what is
going on. Feel free to post this if you like. KS is coming along nicely,
on all fronts, I am not going to make a projection on the Hemi 2 is
currently pumping and we are watching it very carefully, The process done
out there is complicated and as we expanded on it because the formation
has been very receptive to what we are doing, we kept nudging it up to
what we felt like the limits. Hypothetically speaking of course if we
can drill one well and stimulate a couple older wells... this would be a
good thing? Nothing is tight holed, but we are going to have to err on
the side of caution with the information we release. We will release
the news as soon as we are 100% sure the numbers we release are correct
and valid.

Secondly I heard there is some doubt about us drilling future wells, no
idea where that is coming from, the only wild cards we have is the
weather (the weather hasnt been kind to us in the past week) and equipment
availability (I dont see this being a problem short term) In KS the
drilling is the fast easy part, yeah we could drill a well every two days,
if the weather and funds would allow it... BUT the thing most investors
dont understand is, its the completions that are complicated and time

We have been sitting on some nice news that has nothing to do with the
wells in KS... the reason we are sitting on it, is because everyone is
expecting the production numbers of these wells and if we release
anything before those numbers, else the shareholders may think we have
deviated from the book of Hemi... not gonna happen, so we wait and let the
well(s) tell us when we can release the news you guys are waiting on and
then the rest will follow.

To me this is very important, this is the busy part of the year for us
and probably will be until October or November, it is shaping up to be
the busiest year ever. We are trying to bring in more help and have...
but we are still very short handed. If I do not or cannot answer all
the phone calls or email, like I have done over the winter months (the
slow time of the year) its nothing is wrong, there just isnt enough time
in the day or hands to go around. Yes I know how pink sheet investors
are, too many people have lost money on them and feel like they have to
have a daily update or reassurance... else something bad has happened
to the company they invested in, I dont blame them for that... but it is
getting to the point where I cannot do this as much as I would like to
anymore, this is the busy time of year and I cannot manage all this at

Not complaining... just giving you a real update LOL