#2197 I guess you mean
I will admit the patent question is something I don't get
Perhaps because composite decking already exists they can't patent it. I just can't think of a reason why they wouldn't at least apply. Is it cost prohibitive? I do remember them saying they control the formula for the composite though. Would they be able to bring on board such a large manufacturing company like Royal if the rights were going to be an issue? It costs more than wood, for now. I can tell you that if you were to try to get a firm price from a repair facility for tear out and replacement of a wood container floor you would only get an estimate, because of the fluctuations in wood prices. In business when you are negotiating a deal do you make figures public? You absolutely do not. The price I am willing to give you might be different from the price I give the next guy. I thought the uplisting was properly addressed, but thats not a big deal to me.
I see you as an adversary Burp, but a worthy one.