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09/27/01 12:10 PM

#4056 RE: smart_sassy #4055

sassy: WEAC - A Friendly Word of Advice

I know what you are trying to do here, and I appreciate it. However, a word of advice - don't waste your time.

I want to say that I 'appreciate' it, too, although not in the commonly used sense of the word 'appreciate' that you use. I appreciate that he's trying to get everyone to more-or-less move on to other things, but it's a Sisyphean task, given the circumstances.

People are going to vent, and at times be malicious. It happens, or, more appropriately shit happens.

And, sometimes, it's appropriate for certain shit to happen.

And everyone else - leave him alone and quit insulting him.

Take a look at my post, sassy. Aside from saying his attitude was "paternal" (not exactly a cat-o-nine-tails insult), I really don't think I said much more than you did, in essence.

Now, to move on to Neuro:

And just so you'll understand WEAC, this isn't a "who said what first" retort. My responses, unlike those of Dennis or Meme, were not calculated to escalate the level of acrimony.

Oh, no, you'd never be guilty of something like that, would you, Neuro? If your responses aren't/weren't 'calculated', it's only because with such extensive experience, you no longer have to stop and think, any more than a polymath would.

With respect to the Meme/Spall/Dennis exchanges my remarks have been positively charming.

Thaaaat's right. Why, you're a regular "Mr. Conviviality"...

Your overly condescending pseudo-paternal/intellectual remarks however appear more as an effort at self-aggrandizement than at peace making in this situation.

Yep. Positively charming! "Self-aggrandizement"? Do you even know WTF the term genuinely means, given your silly attempt to criticize mikkj earlier?

Including the personal insult to me (mentioned above) reveals its true intent more than you probably intended.

Personal insult? Talk about pot & kettle! Not to mention self-aggrandizement, AS IF you're all that important to this board that the most sidereal mention of your name in a post (directed to me, I might add) entitles you to try to uncork a can o' whupass on the man with one of your typically arrogant, pseudo-superior, and ultimately feckless attacks, couched as they constantly are in subtle qualifications designed to always allow a spineless rhetorical 'out' and avoid the obvious challenge to your impaired manhood that a sincere apology would be.

So, and I say this with all due respect, please fuck the hell off.

Consider that remark echoed back to ya, in spades.

WEAC -- I apologize for having created the context with my original response that allowed Neuro the opportunity to show his ass by insulting you in particular and all of us in general.


09/27/01 7:36 PM

#4065 RE: smart_sassy #4055

Re: WEAC - A Friendly Word of Advice

I know what you are trying to do here, and I appreciate it. However, a word of advice - don't waste your time.

It's true, WEAC, sad, but true. I have no plans to make amends with Spall.

In my mind, the luxury of bandying about extremist ideologies with a coffee-house largesse steeped in psuedo-intellectualism takes on a whole new meaning in the current context of things.

We can now see first-hand the dangers of extremist ideologies.

I noticed subtle differences going on in my head that in retrospect I don't really appreciate. When one solely intellectualizes a concept of government they can lose sight of how that would really play out in real life. What is often intellectually logical does not realize itself logically when applied to human behavior.

In essence, by maintaining cordiality for the sake of civility I found myself becoming too tolerant of what I consider to be some pretty distasteful concepts. Perhaps if I had always expressed more of my apprehension and distaste all along, Spall would have known better than to make such a disgusting comment (referring to the U.N.).

BTW, I say this in no way to turn this thread into yet another debate or free-for-all. These are my feelings. My feelings are real, and not debateable.
