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04/18/07 8:35 AM

#95667 RE: keeneypr #95665

Thank you Keeneypr, that was the most upbeat update to come from the company ever.


04/18/07 8:42 AM

#95668 RE: keeneypr #95665

Hey Dan, Thanks for the update. EOM


04/18/07 8:44 AM

#95670 RE: keeneypr #95665

Me like dis: That said, I want to continue to caution that there are many contingencies that affect operations of this nature and guidance for when exploratory drilling may commence could change. We will continue to look to the operators of each of the Blocks to make the relevant announcements when the time is right.



04/18/07 8:50 AM

#95672 RE: keeneypr #95665

Nicely done Dan. Thank the company on my behalf. All investors want is a little communication. (Although greater share price appreciation would be nice also lol) Thanks.


04/18/07 8:51 AM

#95673 RE: keeneypr #95665

Thanks Dan I like this part...

He has also been exploring prospects in the region for ERHC and met with several parties who might have interesting opportunities for investment by ERHC. Nigeria, as many shareholders are aware, has announced it will soon auction exploration licenses for 45 offshore and onshore oil and gas blocks. In addition, marginal fields which might provide good investment for companies of ERHC’s size and capacity are starting to become available. ERHC is seriously looking at all available opportunities right now and assessing them for feasibility of participation.


04/18/07 9:33 AM

#95681 RE: keeneypr #95665

Excellent ERHC Update letter!


04/18/07 9:37 AM

#95683 RE: keeneypr #95665

Great update! Thanks to Dan and interim CEO.



04/18/07 7:47 PM

#95758 RE: keeneypr #95665

Help me out on this Block 3 question.
I thought we had at 10% carried interest in block 3, with Addax?

From our website: "Block 3: ERHC Energy has sold its 15% participating interest in Block 3 of the JDZ to a subsidiary of Addax Petroleum for $7,500,000. This left a 10% participating interest in Block 3 to the Company. ERHC agreed to support Addax as operator, and Addax agreed to pay all of the Company's future costs in respect of all petroleum operations in Block 3. Addax is entitled to the Company's share of cost oil until Addax recovers the Company's costs."

But the press relaease says this:
"JDZ Block 3, in which ERHC has a 15 percent carried working interest and a production sharing contract with Addax"

So have we gained 5% somewhere or is the PR wrong??


04/18/07 8:05 PM

#95760 RE: keeneypr #95665

"A number of shareholders have asked about the status of JDZ Block 3, in which ERHC has a 15 percent carried working interest...."

It would be nice if this figure matched our filings....but of course it doesn't. How can this PR firm and interim CEO continuously flop on what we own. Its really not that difficult.

"We have fully settled into our new and expanded Houston headquarters. With more than double our previous space, we are prepared for an acceleration of business operations in the months and years ahead."

All three of you eh? Hopefully you've enjoyed the extra space shareholders have been paying for the last 5 months.

"While the Board continues its efforts to identify the appropriate CEO and CFO, the Company remains confident in the capabilities of the interim leadership to maintain our positive momentum."

What???? Our CEO and CFO left last July. It is almost May now. 4.5 months ago you reported,

"We are pleased to report that negotiations are at an advanced stage with some of the candidates that impressed us during recent interviews."

Advanced stage waaaaaaay back in December and you continue to work to identify a CEO and CFO? Don't you think its time to hire one? After you play games nobody invests in this company because of its lack of a CEO and CFO.

But....all in all....the rumorings of the Baker & McKenzie law firm giving the green light.....and now ERHC stating its hired a top notch law firm spell much more happening than the company is willing to share with its owners....(oops, shareholders). Could it be that Baker & McKenzie approve the deal on one side of the fence, Duane Morris LLP on the ERHC side of the fence....and presto, we have our new CEO and CFO after a mesh of parties?