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09/27/01 2:18 PM

#838 RE: Ike Latif #836

well said Ike - I enjoy reading your thoughts - thanks:)



09/27/01 2:44 PM

#839 RE: Ike Latif #836

"Consensus building and operations where you get maximum for the bang is the core of the strategic planners decision making process."

Like your thoughts here... I'm also very impressed with the job Powell has been doing.


Inho Kim

09/27/01 7:21 PM

#840 RE: Ike Latif #836

Another somber reflection:

I told you before G&K is one of my favorites, including yours "Ideas" and "Ask Michael Burke" at SI. Now this regular guy, Chaz posted a very somber question or reflection about the fundamentals of G&K. It is worth of reading for investors. Actually, I followed some of their methods and then was crushed and I am still by this down-market. At least, your method of investing always includes some kinds of insurance or protection to preserve the original investment. My problem to your way is how to apply it in a smaller scale(for a smaller amount of money to invest).

Also, the other regulars replied in the same painful way. I am in the same situation as TigerPaw's. Sometimes, some of the regular ones hardly accept different kinds of opinions due to lack of knowledge about G&K investing (you need to read manuals and quote it based on the books, etc.)

Mike Buckley's point is right in terms of when you invested in the stock market and what kinds of stocks you invested. I don't think not all people invested in the period made money if they still hold the stocks. I don't have a proof for my theory. Anyhow in that case, he is very smart, his method cannot be used for rule of thumb.

Chaz's reply here.