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04/17/07 1:28 PM

#260959 RE: seabass #260955

That CIA front company had been outed and was extinct long before the Plame affair- the cover had been blown. That's why she was doing desk duty in Virginia

HTere is plaenty of evidence that she was outed by the Russians and that "every foreign intelligence service " already knew about her and what she did

It's all been posted here. Maybe I should post it multiple times , bold it and then underline it so you might pay attention.

You view Plame as a hero- saint, I view her as someone with a political axe to grind who has lied about her influence ing etting her husband appointed to a fact finding mission so they could further their political aganda. Wilson was caught lying. Plames story that " someone walked by and saw a memo on her desk and suggested that her husband be appointed to the "fact finding" mission is ludicrous

But, I'm sure you believe that, jsut as you believe she's a hero. IF her security position was so crucial and sensitive and fraught with danger to herself and her coworkers, didn't it strike you as odd that she gladly posed for TWO glossy spreads- in Time and (very approopriately ) Vanity Fair?

I notice you can't name anyone who was impacted by her outing- I know ":classified information" so you can daydream about Plame and her mother Teresa goodness w/o having any hard evidence to defend her. Somehow, I don't see many faceless herpes posing in glossy fasnion magazines- or filing frivilous civil cases to great publicity