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Replies to #14 on Mexican Mining
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Ed Monton

12/09/03 6:22 PM

#47 RE: Ed Monton #14



DECEMBER 9, 2003 - 18:09 ET

Admiral Bay Provides Update On Monte Del Favor
Silver-Gold Project


Surface exploration program consistent with existing historical
resource; potential zone extensions

Admiral Bay Resources Inc. (TSX.V: ADB) today reports the
continuing surface exploration program results from the Monte del
Favor Silver-Gold property in Mexico. The Phase I program
budgeted at US$500,000 consists of extensive geological mapping,
sampling and drilling. Detailed mapping of road cuts with
sampling and mapping of the various historical mines is currently
being completed. Drilling on the property began late November and
four holes are now completed.

Samples from the various road cuts have now been received by the
Company and reviewed by its qualified person, Eddy Canova.
Re-verification of the road cuts, additional detailed mapping of
the geology, quartz veins, and structures is currently being
carried out to better understand the controls of the
mineralization in the area.

Mineralization on the Monte del Favor property principally occurs
along east-west fault structures dipping north at 70§N and 20§N
at the Monte del Favor, Zuriaga and Salomon Mines. A number of
smaller mines also occur along these orientations (Hundido, Los
Chivos, Las Cocinas and Rincon). Detailed mapping on the property
will help identify these mineralized horizons, their trend and
their continuity. Intrusive bodies have been identified near the
Salomon mine and their role in the mineralizing process may be

Sampling over the property has been carried out over a period of
three to four months and the results of 400 samples have been
received. The assay results, which were compiled by Acme
Laboratories in Vancouver, British Columbia and will be sent out
to a second lab for verification, of the samples collected along
road cuts and previously worked mines have helped to identify
extensions to the mineralization (silver (Ag) and gold (Au))
along east-west trends, north-northwest trends and
north-northeast trends. The sampling has identified 13 areas
(table below) with 129 samples returning assay results between
100 g/t Ag to a maximum assay of 2305 g/t Ag and 42 samples
returning assay results between 0.5 g/t Au and a maximum assay of
7.35 g/t Au.

Salomon Mine

The significance of the results obtained in this field program is
that on the western part of the property veins 1, 2, and 3 from
the Salomon mine have a potential strike length of 500m to 600m
from west of Hundido to the east of Salomon where it is still
open. The samples collected from these areas have average silver
assays of 208.2 g/t Ag to 305.6 g/t Ag and 0.54 g/t Au to 2.01
g/t Au. Vein 5, previously mined in the Salomon Mine appears to
extend over to Los Chivos and Las Cocinas, a potential strike
length of 400 m and open to the west of the Salomon mine. The
samples gave average silver assays of 323.8 g/t Ag to 498.9 g/t
Ag and gold assays of 1.72 g/t Au to 3.37 g/t Au. The sampling in
the Salomon area has identified mineralization beyond the
resources estimated at the Salomon mine. This extends
mineralization 200m to the east of the Salomon Mine and 300m west
of the Salomon Mine. The mineralization found at the Los Chivos
and Las Cocinas extends the mineralized vein 5, 400 m east of the
Salomon Mine with silver assays as high as 2305.0 g/t Ag and gold
assays as high as 7.35 g/t Au.

Monte del Favor

The sampling at Monte del Favor and Zuriaga has confirmed
mineralization with average assays of 305.9 g/t Ag and 1.20 g/t
Au at Monte del Favor and 219.9 g/t Ag and 0.67 g/t Au at
Zuriaga. The mineralization at Monte del Favor and Zuriaga
identifies 3 parallel east-west trending mineralized veins of
widths up to 8 m. The drilling presently being done in the area
will confirm the presence of these mineralized veins. The
mineralized veins are 150 m in strike length and do appear to be
open to the east.


Summary Of Assay Results From Sampling On Monte Del Favor Property
Location No. Ag No. Au
Assays Assays
greater Max Ag Avg Ag greater Au Max Avg Au
than Assay Assay than Assay Assay
100g/t g/t g/t 0.5g/t g/t g/t

Hundido, 250m ESE
Salomon 11 562.4 255.3 2 1.22 0.88
W Hundido, 400m W
Salomon 8 355.9 230.0 3 1.59 1.21
Salomon 11 355.9 236.3 8 2.11 0.98
100m E Salomon, V1 18 347.0 200.2 0 -- --
Area 2, 200m E
Salomon, V2 4 424.6 237.6 1 0.54 0.54
100m ESE Salomon, V3 4 729.4 305.6 1 2.01 2.01
200m SE Salomon, Los
Chivos, V5 26 2,305.0 498.9 5 2.99 1.72
350m SE Salomon, Las
Cocinas, V5 13 1,397.0 323.8 3 7.35 3.37
200m NNE Salomon 4 328.2 208.2 4 1.80 1.20
Monte del Favor 13 496.0 305.9 8 3.30 1.20
50m N Monte del
Favor, Zuriaga Mine 3 296.7 219.9 2 0.67 0.67
100m NNW Monte del
Favor 3 188.5 156.9 4 0.63 0.57
100m S Monte del
Favor, V1 11 509.0 176.7 1 0.58 0.58
Total 129 42


Diamond Drilling

Diamond drilling commenced on the Monte del Favor on November 13
with four holes now drilled, totaling 756 m of drilling. The
Company expects to report shortly on first assay results from the
drilling program.

The Monte del Favor project is located 80 kilometers west
northwest of the city of Guadalajara in the Sierra Madre
Occidental, which is well known for its many silver-gold
deposits. Admiral Bay has an agreement to earn a 70% interest in
Minera San Jorge's interest in the property.

Admiral Bay Resources Inc. is a Canadian exploration and
development company listed on the TSX Venture Exchange. For
further information on the Company, please visit

Statements in this release that are not historical facts are
"forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the U.S.
Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Readers are
cautioned that any such statements are not guarantees of future
performance and that actual developments or results may vary
materially from those in these "forward-looking statements".


Admiral Bay Resources Inc.
Mr. Mark Brennan
President & C.E.O.
(416) 364-2266
Toll Free: 1-877-600-6001
Mr. Robert McIntosh
Vice President of Exploration
(604) 628-5642
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1620
The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the
adequacy of this release.

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Ed Monton

02/26/04 12:51 PM

#249 RE: Ed Monton #14

ADB Breakout.