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04/16/07 7:21 PM

#4112 RE: Sloth97 #4111

A reverse split will absolutely come and maybe more than once. It is good for the shareholders and the company. The general public isn't interested in share prices like this.


04/17/07 6:58 AM

#4116 RE: Sloth97 #4111


As always, you're right on target. Oilman, I travel alot and post when I can. when I do log back in I see some of the comments made in response to my thoughts, and I get the urge to launch into a diatribe in response. Glad that I was offline for awhile, though, as I don't want to get caught up in playing the game with these individuals, which is exactly what they want you to do. As they say, opinions are like a__holes, everyone has one. But to sit on a website like this and continuously bash, in either a harsh or mild form, serves no purpose other than some monetary gain (or they feel they've made a mistake and just can't get over it).



04/17/07 10:49 AM

#4119 RE: Sloth97 #4111

Talk about non sensical, read this and tell me you're not serious. " Why wouldn't a person want to talk favorably about their investment " lol as for me I, I would rather tell it like it is than lower myself trying to pump a pos like this. I can sleep at night can you ? And this " As for the price decline, that's the curse of an R/S, the price almost always declines " I've been saying that for months ( oilman was all for it ) Bickel knew it to and proceeded to do it anyway. You guys have been screwed so many times I think you're begining to like it lol well you've picked the right stock.