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09/26/01 12:05 PM

#12694 RE: Francois+Goelo #12693

You're "lightly armed", I'll give you that.

BTW, I'm assuming that since I used a direct quote, it shouldn't be a TOS violation.


09/26/01 12:08 PM

#12695 RE: Francois+Goelo #12693

FG, go ahead. I am sure SI is drueling to have you back.eom.imo


09/26/01 12:23 PM

#12696 RE: Francois+Goelo #12693

I think I speak for many on this thread

when I say, both positive and negative comments are welcome. We don't want all cheerleaders as you have accused us of being. Negative comments can lead to constructive changes if they are put into a form of constructive criticism. BUT - Continual bashing and personal attacks as you have done to Rich is not OK and discredits the thread.

Unfortunately you lost credibility with many when you switched overnight from a SEVU fan to a SEVU flame. Your continual redundancy of the same topics over and over is annoying to many and evidence that you have a personal vendetta that others don't wish to hear anymore. How many times do we need to see your speech about the probation and PP? There has to be an end sometime. You also began deleting post you didn't agree with at a record pace. All we want is a fair place to post messages void of the trash, personal attacks, and bashing seen on other boards. Hopefully Matt has fixed that.

Good luck in finding your audience.



09/26/01 12:53 PM

#12697 RE: Francois+Goelo #12693

Well this morning posts by you only prove the point that most of the rational shareholders on this board have realized for months - you are just out to sink SEVU, not help fix it, a noble activity for a 'long time supporter and a current stockholder' - long we assumed but who knows any more!

Since none of us are in need of your constant regurgitation of the same issues, accusations, speculation, and guesses, I hope you take your show on the road for an extended period of time. Just come back after you win your lawsuits and tell us you told us so.

If many of us were to reaccount the salesmanship/promotion you performed on a myriad of other stocks over the past few years and then just bailed out leaving many holding the bag we could make you look pretty weak and unprofessional to say the least. Do you need a list? But we don't - we are here as shareholders/builders of SEVU, not a demolition crew. Doesn't mean we are to avoid concerns, consider the negatives but if every day/every aspect is dismal why hang around - sell.

I hope this is not, in your mind, the only and/or the best investment you have found with your full time efforts - maybe for those who want to abandon ship with you, you could OT some of the better alternatives you've found?

Enjoy your walk, take your time.
