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12/05/03 2:24 PM

#3772 RE: beau1460 #3771

beau1460, well said. People have every right to privacy, including their investments. There are people out there who put up their own MONEY to start Phanuel. They have zero obligation to tell anyone ANYTHING about it. It is 'privately' held, unlike CYGX which is 'publically' held. 'cygxup', do you know what 'privately' and 'publically' mean?

As to your nagging about "They won't tell me how much money Phanuel paid CYGX" - did you not read the same post I just did, that this amount will be disclosed in the next SEC filing from CYGX? Cygx is required to disclose this, and they will. That's what a 'publically' held corporation must do here in the USA, and they will do it.

Lighten up and read the SEC filing when it comes out.