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Elmer Phud

12/05/03 12:26 PM

#19697 RE: HailMary #19695

HailMary -

Do you have a strategy if the stock retreats to say $12 or rises to say $22? Will you roll out so you don't get assigned or called away?

I rolled my Dec $16 puts out yesterday to Jan $16. I posted that here. I got $0.45. If it goes lower I will roll the puts out as far as I need to to drop it to $15 and still put some cash in my pocket. AMD will not stay lower than that forever. They have too much going for them at this time. I do not intend to get assigned.

On the call side I'm short the Jan $20s. Not much threat there. I could roll them to April and get another $.65 or so. That would be a ~12% annualized return with the potential for another ~25% gain if the price rises. I'm a singles hitter, not looking for a home run, just protecting a lead.