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12/04/03 1:14 PM

#9895 RE: frogdreaming #9892


Interesting, banter!

I'm guessing there's ability, out here, to seperate the wheat from the chaff, the hype from the intelligent DD. Some of us may not understand it all but that is not necessary. And, it's all just another way to gamble. We pays our money and we takes our chances. It's my opinion, from all I've read here, that this is a risk worth taking.

Second coming of Christ?? Where did that come from?? Divine mission?? Nobel prize?? I guess I missed that post.

I enjoy your posts regardless of what others say and if you keep it up I'm gonna tell'em their WRONG about you.


Miss Scarlet

12/04/03 1:26 PM

#9899 RE: frogdreaming #9892


There you go, again! The comparison was not DNAP being a second coming of Christ, rather that DNAPrint will not increase in small incremental steps but will rise exponentially, at a time unexpected without warning or advance notice, leaving the traders and shorters scratching their heads wondering how they couldn't possibly have seen enough advance notice to buy back in. But you knew that. Tony Frudakis' mission may indeed be divine. You nor I know what his personal relationship with Christ may be. We all have God given gifts and talents. Tony knows what his is. What each of us do with our talents is our gift back to God. Tony has not exhibited any intention to date to use his gift for evil.

What about you Frogdreaming? Do you know Him? You clearly have a gift with words, no one who reads your posts would ever disagree with that. I don't know what your vocation is or was, or what age you happen to be. I do know though, that one day, each and every one of us will answer to God for each and every action we take and make. From what I have been able to discern thus far, you may be in an uncomfortable position with Him. It is my fervent prayer for you, however, that that will not be the case. None of us know the exact time our life on earth will be over. I hope you will make your decision before your time runs out. While it is true I do not know where you currently stand, your posts leave enough of an inference that you are not ready to meet your Maker. If I am incorrect, and I hope I am, please try to ensure your posts honor Him.

P.S. I am not a hypster of DNAPrint. But I do seek God's guidance in the ways in which I should go, and He has given me incredible peace regarding DNAPrint and I will give back to Him to further His Kingdom. I do so hope to see you there. And I do want you to be able, in all facets of your life, to experience the peace that truly passes understanding.


12/04/03 1:45 PM

#9905 RE: frogdreaming #9892

How can you know that?

Your speculation with DNAP's potential is no more valid then the hype you claim.

They are part of something that will change the world for everybody. Whom can say what heights they will reach on their part?

I'm happy to be a small part of this potential.
