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04/11/07 5:44 PM

#259698 RE: PegnVA #259697

GOP Leaders Worried Bush Dissatisfaction, War, Lackluster Candidates Will Prevent '08 Win
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04/11/07 7:14 PM

#259737 RE: PegnVA #259697

"Extend rotations for 15 months for 15 Army BTC's"

from page 20 of the "Kagan Plan"

"...Below you will find a Power Point (what else?) presentation on the recent AEI analytic meeting run by one of the Kagans. The cast of contributers at the end reads very much like one of the great neocon "papers" done up before their return to power under Bush 41'. I have in mind the "Clean Break" paper which contained so much of "future history..."

"...The plan is not to be dismissed. Unlike the much ballyhooed Iraq Study Group, these are the people President Bush listens to, many of them the same influential voices who were predicting in 2002 that the war would establish a flower of democracy in the Middle East. Sitting in the overheated, standing-room-only conference hall, a Department of Homeland Security official leaned over to me to note the irony that reporters had paid so much attention to the workings of the Iraq Study Group, as opposed to the troop-surge plans being cooked up at AEI. "This is the Iraq Study Group," he quipped.

Bush is expected to release a new Iraq strategy next week that reportedly hinges on a troop increase, and many have said his thinking has been influenced by the AEI experts who gathered on Friday.

The think tank's plan is not for the lighthearted. The glossy 47-page AEI report, titled "Choosing Victory: A Plan for Success in Iraq," envisions sending 25,000 additional troops to clear Baghdad house by house. Then, as report author Frederick W. Kagan put it, those soldiers would not pull back to their bases but remain stationed in Baghdad neighborhoods, providing security for civilians. "We can clear and hold critical terrain in Baghdad," Kagan told the crowd..."

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ergo sum

04/11/07 9:42 PM

#259798 RE: PegnVA #259697

Everyday it becomes clearer what a waste of resources Iraq has been. Yet there is no end in sight.
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04/11/07 10:47 PM

#259810 RE: PegnVA #259697

if bush or cheney had one cell of decency theytd go to iraq without body armour and fight the ":insurgents" with rubber bands...first though they should apoligize to the planet for being sub human dog shit