While normally, lowtrade, I would take your observation as the final word, this time, I must part from it.
Not sure if you are aware, but HMGP is debt free and cashflow positive, operating solely on internal revenues, and quite sufficient enough to commence their 4-6 well p/mo drilling program.
The shallow wells cost only approx. $50K to complete, and only need a 33 bopd for a 1 mo. ROI.
33 bopd x 30 days = 990 bopm
990 bbl x $50 = $49,500
After ROI, it's all cash cow from there on out.
Watch closely (tommorrow?) for new well PR production number results. With all due respect, you may wish to then retract that 9 mo. prediction.
Heck, you may even wanna take a position, as HMGP is the rule-breaker of the pinkies. ;-)