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04/08/07 3:29 PM

#2817 RE: thejollyputz #2816

Note to self (patience Rich)

Your not losing your mind others feel exactly the same way. Hey thanks putzster good to see another IDTA veteran fighting the good fight still.

What I ask myself inwardly is Yaacov (no dummy) must know this so what keeps him from communicating? You don't as CEO have to sell the farm to communicate but he is behaving like he just found the dead sea scrolls and cannot tell anyone.

Why is this company once an open book now shrouded in mystery. Apparently Yaacov has a secret to keep. So be it but he is making no public effort to keep shareholders in the game any longer period. That alone suggests the sales are slower than anticipated so why not identify the problem publicly instead of letting itself fester into a bigger problem. The market now fears the worst and I happen to know it isn't that way.

Okay MAYBE contractually right now ( a really BIG maybe) he is required to keep EVERY detail from public scrutiny. Okay I'm cool with that but where is the leadership here why can't he even tell us that? Yaacov's inaction to communicate PUBLICLY is making this hush hush secret more of a problem than it really is.

I can understand the value of keeping proprietary secrets but a total lack of meaningful information? No sir it does not make sense one bit. He does not have to give the game away to keep us longs in the loop yet that is exactly what is happening. People fear the worst when they are shunned in this manner the problem manifests itself into a bigger problem all for what?

All for a PPS kept in check by the very person who's job it is to PROPEL that PPS not keep a restraint on it. There is something fundamentally wrong with Yaacov and here again the doubt manifests itself into something much larger than it really is. No wonder the market hesitates what ever the problem it must be brought to the light of day so it can be solved.

Yaacov is the only person who can do that.

ALL you realize thejollyputz JMVHO Happy Easter!
