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04/05/07 9:17 AM

#4423 RE: Howdydoody #4422

Howdy, on that note, you never answered my question from yesterday. You yourself made claims we would hear about the IP or London info this week, and provided no support for that whatsoever.


04/05/07 9:51 AM

#4426 RE: Howdydoody #4422

Howdy- The link to that financial report was not provided to me by anyone. I've had it in a WTVI file for quite a while. If anyone ever did send me any info on the company that I was unaware of I would do my best to verify it before making it accessible to the board. If not, another option would be to post it as a rumor and ask for help from the good people that post here on the chance that someone else can verify. My objective here is not to bash this company or the stock. It is to facilitate the free flow of information to assist people in making a decision about whether to invest in it. btw I am still waiting for the smash and grab definition.


04/05/07 10:37 AM

#4430 RE: Howdydoody #4422

It looks like you havent read his story in regard to how long he has been with this company...

Maybe its the reading your not doing in regard to loosing your money!

He has known about this company for most likely longer than you knew it was around. .... what could be a better moderator than someone who has gone through the UP and the DOWN of a company, knows the management, knows his stock information...and seems to be a "grandfathered" account.

People need to realize...No updates, No real press, pump looking emails get a company no where.

I was in and RIGHT out of this stock... Reason I didnt know the up and down trend to figure I was gonna gain or loose any money, However I know of many companies that are WAY stronger than this one.

Don't get me wrong they have or HAD a great "IDEA" but its been dragged out so long that now ( Years) its a past time to me. Therefore which is creating the stagnancy and pumps its getting.

He (AL) has informed that they have changed the symbol name 3-4 times.

did you catch that? That is a key point as to forgetting the past and screwin the future! Thats the way a company thinks...get rid of the bad and in with the good or unsuspecting.

Ok so I didnt mean to disrespect but what I can say is ....

How long have you known of this company?

I seem to find that certain people within IHUB are VERYYY helpful. then some are in it to flip what they have and get a little heated when a company looks unsucessful after buying in. I know...I used to be one of those...Now if you do a lot of DD you can find out that Investing money in places your unsure of is an absolute loss or pure gamble.

I apologize if I offended anyone ....but you can read someone's past posts regarding any company..and when you find the right people to read up on...its almost like reading PR's because they know more than you.