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12/01/03 11:39 PM

#21 RE: growacet #20

Ask Shac, it was his pick.......

No position


12/02/03 1:44 AM

#22 RE: growacet #20

ATNG pro's and con's

I saw , owned some and worked for them, LUSA insurance company boom early 90's from 2cents to>$10.00
and have strong reasons to be hopeful on this one as well

1. they have contracts to buy up insurance licenses in 40 states
2. the $150,000,000 investment in cash for the insurance deals
ie no dilution, the 150M$ is not a stock dilution
it is pure cash investment into the insurance deal
and people just haven't caught on yet
3. nearly 60M in insurance businesss waiting to be put on the books as soon as the ink dries.....

4. 155,000,000 shares in the float, 250M issued, 950 authorized

5. three year pilot program demonstrated 38% profit on the insurance

a dollar is going to be a low price for this, many think, and I am hopeful

Draw backs, negative side:
1. no absolute guarantee of anything except death
2. few legal issues hopefully soon 2 b resolved, may not happen
3. if u wait till the legals resolved, price b much multiplied from current
4. it all could be lies
5. no one absolutely knows this kind of future details
6. that's why its called a market, who is willing to buy and who wants to sell
7. war could break out and halt the market etc etc etc

Could exceed a dollar by March imo

Expect a very volatile bumpy ride

Legal issues expected soon solution may not happen or could happen sooner than most expect.

CEO, Brig General in chaplain's corp could turn and run with the money to Brazil, (but I don't think so)

anything's possible, this one just has the best upside
and the best management of anything I've seen

By the time the legal issues are finalized one way or another, the die will be cast and the answers reflected by the price.
